It takes you nowhere. Thats why I resigned from the News of the World and then when I was in Downing Street, Im there thinking how on Earth can I do this job? Andy: Yeah, my view was that they had absolutely every right to be at the end of my drive and they had every right to try and get a picture of me and I had every right to avoid it. Jane: Another clich is that you never know what youve got until theres a danger that you might lose it, which must have been a very real possibility in terms of your marriage in your own head. I want to focus on what we dont know, which is obviously the theme of this podcast, and how you handled that crisis point of your life and, of course, the effect that it had on your family. So I changed my mind. I dont know how long you can give it but I want you to stay and be in Downing Street with me, which was, I have to say, enormously flattering. [15], Coulson was also tried over charges that he committed perjury in the evidence he gave in HM Advocate v Sheridan and Sheridan in 2010. In 1994, he briefly moved to the Daily Mail, but after nine weeks moved back to The Sun to edit Bizarre. [13] He was sentenced on 4 July 2014 to 18 months in prison. Business City Spy: PR Week unveils its top spinners of the year. I was all over it. I think on one level the answer was yes, because it was just so long. And I thought, this is just hopeless, Im his Director of Communications and Im learning things in the paper. As a newspaper editor, its a weekly crisis, daily crisis when youre working on The Sun, which is of course where I spent most of my time, most of my career. Ask away. Were going to put you to work. Journalist and political strategist, Andy Coulson was editor of the News of the World from 2003 until his resignation in 2007, following the conviction of one of the newspaper's reporters in relation to illegal phone-hacking. The paper was told to pay Driscoll 800,000. Andy: Oh yeah, without any shadow of a doubt and thats thanks to her, not me. And, in fact, the last words from one of those prison officers to me as I was about to get on the bus were, Keep your head down, youll get through it, life moves on. In 2001, in the run up to the general election, he asked Tony and Cherie Blair whether they were members of the mile high club. Coulson married his wife, Eloise, in 2000. Andy: My sentence, having been found guilty of the crime, was probably about right. Andy Coulson is Founder of and host of Did you ever feel scared? To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. They used to say about the News of the World, the old marketing slogan for the News of the World was all human life is here and thats true of Dickens. [4][5] The overall impact from his tenure came to be known as the "Coulson effect". Why are you doing it now? He commented about the News of the World allegations "I stand by what I've said about those events but when the spokesman needs a spokesman it's time to move on. He had not been subjected to the highest level of vetting, "developed vetting", allowing unrestricted access to top secret material. How do you view it? Pic credit: CBS. Its an unnatural thing to do to relive your life and, by the way, if all you are doing is reliving your life through a negative prism, its a fundamentally unhealthy thing to do. And I have some views on what works and what doesnt work in prison, having been inside one for a while, though I do not claim to be an expert by any means, given the length of time I was there. Certainly, my upbringing. I think woe is me are probably the three most useless words in any event. Andy Coulson, the former Downing Street Communications Director and News of the World editor, has given his first detailed interview about the scandal that ended, in 2014, with a spell in HMP Belmarsh. Andy: There were a lot of politics in it. Thats how I sort of see it really and thats how I see life. Thats what we have here and obviously for me Im going to say its an imperfect system, but Im certainly not arguing that it should have been done some other way. When were your darkest days? There are probably people out there who maybe even think worse, but there is nothing I can do about that. Andy: In the jobs that I did I never really wanted any profile. "[29][30], In July 2011 questions were raised about Coulson's security vetting at Number Ten. The CPS said that witnesses interviewed by Metropolitan Police including those who had previously made allegations through media outlets had not been willing to provide admissible evidence. I was pretty unhappy about being put through a public enquiry on television before I got to trial. What was that like? [49], The Guardian reported on 7 July 2011 that Coulson was to be arrested the following day, along with a senior journalist whom the paper refused to name. Youve got parameters but you dont really know because in the end that is obviously in the gift of the judge. Andy Coulson arrives at the Old Bailey on July 4, 2014 in London, England. During that time Andy faced three criminal trials. There are a lot of very bad people in there and there are also a lot of people like me who are transiting, if you like. Again, that came out in a previous podcast, I think with Jeremy. Actually, the most common refrain was Its not like the House of Commons, is it Andy? Not that I was ever an MP. Andrew Edward Coulson (born 21 January 1968) is an English journalist and political strategist. That moment when I spoke to my lawyers from prison. The court felt that they could deal with it so thats where that ended. One you can have total control over, and that is: dont get into debt. Jane: So how did you find out, or when did you find out that you were being moved? But Ive never done it in any detail other than, of course, over a very long period in a witness box in the Old Bailey. The Guardian said that the disclosure "is understood to have 'absolutely shocked' some Whitehall information staff. "[31] According to Chris Bryant MP, senior officials working with Coulson believed that he had the same clearance level as his predecessor. Fair enough, really. Its amazing. What happened, happened. Now, she already knew about it, but having it made public was not easy, of course, and then you went to prison. That was very difficult. That doesnt mean that Im pleased it happened, Im not. Did you do a lot of that? One of the principles of prison is that everyone has to be on the same level. Jane: Obviously, your boys came to see you there and you tried to keep it as jolly and normal as possible, but when they left that must have been hard. As director of communications for the Conservatives he does an excellent job in a proper, upright way at all times. Funny, at least for the first 10 times. And my parents are grafters, that was always very clear. [35] Clients include 'One Young World'. And I had so much incoming. Jane: Lets just backtrack a bit there. There were some fights, but never anything directed at me and nothing that caused me to feel scared in Belmarsh and certainly not when I got to Hollesley Bay, which was a different regime altogether. It taught me that I consider myself to be a reasonably good friend but I think I could have been better, so I think it taught me to be a better friend. Its that judgement thing again, you know. The purpose of the company is not recorded by Companies House, but is reportedly a public relations agency. Andy: Well Belmarsh was going through a pretty dysfunctional phase at that stage. The two others, well one of them got dropped and one I was acquitted, but thats the system. He attended high school in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where his father was a professor at nearby Duke University. Andy: I dont know about that, but when I went to work for David, funnily enough the whole friendship thing came up quite quickly because not long after Id started to work for him there was a moment when I picked up the newspaper on a Saturday morning and I was learning things that I didnt know about what David was going to do with regards to a trip, I think it was. And the other, in the same way as I have just said that I got enormous enjoyment from the political job, there is also a danger that because my newspaper career ended so badly, that you, sort of, chuck out all the good stuff there. On 7 July 2009, John Prescott called on leader of the Conservative Party David Cameron to remove Coulson from his position, after The Guardian revealed further details about phone-hacking by the News of the World. What was the apex of your crisis, do you think? Dead reporter's brother at inquiry. On one level its fundamentally depressing to find yourself there. Andy Coulson, the British prime minister's former communications chief, has been arrested by detectives investigating allegations of phone hacking at the Sunday tabloid, the News of the World . And prison is the ultimate leveller. And then I was told its 18 months and before you know it, youre through that green door and youre handcuffed and youre taken down to the cells. Andy Coulson, the former newspaper editor and Downing Street spokesperson jailed on phone hacking charges, revealed that he has built a new career as a crisis strategy consultant - and "business. I just wanted to see them. So, they made me an education orderly and I went and worked with a brilliant woman who runs the education programme at Hollesley Bay and I was effectively her teaching assistant, if you like. They take your clothes when you go to prison, which I think is sensible. And I talked them through it and I explained that Id been found guilty and that Id be going to a prison and then Id be moved at some point to an open prison and then they could come and see me. I think that the danger with this conversation, if Im brutally honest with you, as we sit here right at the start of it, is that it somehow comes off as woe is me. [23], In 2008 an employment tribunal upheld a claim of bullying by Coulson whilst he was at the News of The World. Andy: There were moments when I felt utter despair. Andy: Its very hard, this, to get it down to three. [19], Coulson was portrayed by Andrew Bone in the 2015 Channel 4 television film Coalition.[63]. There was a real kind of internal crisis, funnily enough, at Belmarsh at that moment. Those were my choices and when you take jobs like that, people are going to form a view. The judge hearing Coulson's trial was critical of the prime minister, pondering whether the intervention was out of ignorance or deliberate, and demanded an explanation. Jane: Were obviously talking about a whole series crises in a way with you, its like crisis Whac-A-Mole. Having to ring Eloise and say, its not just about getting through this prison sentence, we are going to do it all over again, that was probably the worst moment. Ex News International chief executive Brooks, former Sun . I think thats been an enormous help. Andy: I have, yeah, and weve had that discussion. [22], On 21 July 2009 Coulson appeared in front of the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee and denied any knowledge of the phone hacking scandal, saying "my instructions to the staff were clear we did not use subterfuge of any kind unless there was a clear public interest in doing so. So thats why were doing this. And I thought that was plain wrong and I was livid about it. And suddenly youre sat in one of them. And I think that is a clear lesson, that the what if is as pointless as the why me?. And the Old Bailey is a court that is straight out of central casting. But that didnt happen and we stayed together and yes, the simple answer to that question, are we stronger as a result? [24] The judgement singled out Coulson for making "bullying" remarks in an email to Driscoll. [58], Coulson's trial over the phone-hacking claims started in October 2013. So its just too easy, I think, either for him or for me to say, I wish it had never happened, because you make decisions in the moment. And then youre off and youre into the admission process which, again, is not especially pleasant, I have to say. Weve made a lot of cups of tea for journalists standing on the end of our drive over the years, quite happily. [14] On 30 June 2014, it was announced that he would face a retrial over two counts of conspiring to cause misconduct in public office in relation to the alleged purchase of confidential royal phone directories in 2005 from a palace police officer after the jury in the original trial was unable to reach a verdict on them. Because youve not really spoken about that, have you? But I cant lie about it, I also found it, I think because Im a journalist by trade, I found some elements of it fascinating. So even though Id spent eight and a half months in the Old Bailey in a trial, knowing that that was a possibility, sat in a dock for the large part, theres a padded green door on your left that you know goes to the cells and theres the exit on the right, although Id spent all that time wondering am I going to go left or right, when you hear the word guilty you know full well that youre going to be going left. Ive got a better understanding of myself, I suppose, without wishing to get too airy-fairy about it. A thoroughly depressing experience, with barbed wire around you and over you, actually, to stop helicopters coming in. He added that the case against him had been a "waste of money". Im pleased about that but someone needs to tell Google. And although I stand by the position I took in court, in regard to the allegations that I ended up being found guilty of, my view is still that I didnt break the law. Andy Coulson, the former Downing Street Communications Director and News of the World editor, has given his first detailed interview about the scandal that ended, in 2014, with a spell in HMP. Andy: Probably a bit of both. I ran it as a campaign in my head and I had charts on the wall, at one stage the house was literally full of files. We built a brilliant team, we had the coalition. Andy: Well, just the checking-in process because Id obviously tried to do some research beforehand. Jane: Do you feel a need to keep on apologising? And so invariably youre stood behind another prisoner as he makes his call and the amount of times that that prisoner would then turn away from the phone with tears streaming down his face was frequent. I wasnt released on good behaviour, thats the system. Jane: Well that was sort of going to be my next question, because undoubtedly your role at Downing Street heightened the interest in your trial. Again, that is what this podcast is mainly about. I say that because I have been so completely blown away by the support and friendship that Ive had from people who, frankly, owed me nothing. Not given a reason why and that you should prepare yourself for spending your sentence here entirely. I think it is partly chemistry and I think its partly experience and I have got a lot of crisis experience from a professional point of view. And the only way to deal with it was to take one at a time and that is another common theme that has been coming out in these podcasts, that when you are in crisis, dont try and take control of everything. And in prison, as I mentioned, there was that book ban and I could not have been more delighted on the day that I finally got into the library at Belmarsh. And what I understood quite quickly is that theres two routes to violence in prison. Andy: Yeah, yeah. The most common refrain was Its not like the House of Commons, is it Andy?. Entirely self-inflicted, entirely my fault. And there was a bit of joshing as well, particularly with prison officers when I would kind of complain about the process or I would ask the question, Why am I still here when I think I should have been categorised by now? and Id get a wry look that says, Well Tory cuts, Andy.' Jane: I remember coming to see you with Eloise and the boys and you all sort of sit in a gymnasium, dont you? Why the Conservative machine turns a blind eye to racism, Memo to Labour: make local politics a national issue, If anti-semitism isnt challenged then the fight against racism is doomed, Netflixs endless cancellations signal the end of the prestige streaming TV era, The best holiday cottages for a stunning UK minibreak, Podcast episodes to make you more productive in 2023, Vivienne Westwood didn't just make British fashion she was British fashion, The 15 most anticipated TV series of 2023, from, Print copies & Digital access for only 1. Andy: On the morning that I knew I was going to prison, I went to the back of my garden (I live out in the country), I went over the fence and into a field and then eventually I arranged for a local cab. And that is, I have to say, largely thanks to Eloise because shes, maybe well get on to it, the reason I got through is her. I guess well talk about that in a bit more detail. Very hard to get it down to 10 songs, let alone get it down to one, but I think if I had to choose one it would be Keep Your Head Up by Ben Howard, which is a bit of a family anthem. [52], On 24 July 2012, Coulson was charged along with seven others for "conspiring to intercept communications without lawful authority from 3 October 2000 to 9 August 2006. It was the wrong decision and I am very clear about that." Andy: Their choice really. Jane: Well, talking of which, as a journalist, we also know the picture that everybody wants is of somebody in the prison van being taken away. Youve got, obviously, a lot of press outside your front door. [13] On 17 April 2015, the Crown Prosecution Service announced that Coulson's retrial was to be scrapped, along with that of Goodman and the trials of seven other journalists. [62], Coulson was charged with having committed perjury during the trial in 2010 of Tommy and Gail Sheridan. I wasnt concerned because obviously it wasnt true, so I wasnt troubled by that, but I knew that my family would have read it. And that is not a good moment. And thats absolutely not how I feel. Early life. They were to work within the PCC code at all times". Jane: So, youre packing your bag. How can I be the Director of Communications in Downing Street when Im on the front pages? You benefit from undiluted, unambiguous one-to-one advice, game changing campaigns and crisis guidance from p Im certainly not proud of the mistakes that I made from a personal perspective. The work ethic amongst us all is very clear. Find Andy Coulson's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading online directory for contact information. Jane: And I was going to say, in hindsight would you have taken that job? Jane: I mean, two of those jobs there that you mentioned, the powerful jobs, obviously they do bring their own sort of sets of criticism with them. There was no brutality about it at all. Was there ever a point through all of this, the trial or prison or any of it, that you cried? Coulson replaced Rebekah Wade as editor in 2003. That must have felt weird, being the focus of the media storm? I wanted to hear what they were up to and they got on with it, theyve been incredible throughout. Which do you think it was? I suppose because the thing was so public and had been so long running, Ellie and I took the view that we werent going to try and attempt to hide any of it from them. And thats, on any level, regardless of what that persons story might be, thats just sad. Hoare speaking on Five Live, Drive, 3 September 2010. I was an editor of the News of the World for four years. Theres a lot of kind of, Ill help you out here and you help me, and I knew I wasnt going to engage in any of that. Simple as that, and theres a lot of that that goes on. Coulson had served as the editor of News of the World from 2003 to 2007, when he Read More Explaining his ruling, Lord Burns said that for Coulson to be found guilty it was necessary for the Crown to prove that the allegedly untrue evidence he had given at the 2010 Sheridan trial had been relevant to the issues in it. Thats all nonsense. - Delivered a Conduct-focused approach and embedded cultural change focused on . Its actually a relatively modern prison but its got, as anyone whos been there, either inside or visiting, will know, this enormous American-style prison wall around its perimeter, and massive gates. I use a guy who lives up in Scotland, Ron, who is just outstanding and I still talk to him from time to time now. On 21 November 2014, Coulson was released from prison having served less than five months of his 18-month prison sentence. Im undoubtedly happier. Trusted, high impact counsel, campaigns and crisis management for leaders, from Andy Coulson, Jon Steafel, Susan Adams and team. Search instead in Creative? You have got to make a plan and youve got to focus on the things that youve got control of. Andy: Yeah, there was a report online, I think, that said that and it was complete nonsense, it didnt happen. Im a big believer in counselling and therapy and that has helped me enormously, I have to say. Andy: Yeah, there came a point where I was told pretty formally, youre not going anywhere. So your boys did come to Belmarsh? Beginning the Entrepreneurial Journey. I knew nothing about it, obviously. Jane: So, lets sort of go back in time a bit. I was told, because there was a view that the Scottish case, because it was such a nonsense, would be dropped. So, although they were still pretty young, theyd had a crash course in the law and in the legal process, if you like, already. [33], Prior to the jury handing down their verdict after Coulson's trial, Cameron issued a "full and frank" apology for hiring Coulson, saying "I am extremely sorry that I employed him. Hacked Celebrity VoicmailsWhose voicemails has Jorg Coulson been hacking into this week? Obviously, I knew nothing about it other than the fact that it was a D-Cat and therefore would be better than where I was. Does that tail occasionally whip round and hit you? Andy: I do, yeah. Learn How rich is He in this year and how He spends money? Because Id worked very hard at the News of the World, working weekends and god knows what else. Theres a lot of emotion, theres a lot of different emotions but that is definitely the feature in prison. Age, Birthdate, Religion, and BirthPlace Read Also: Who is Ali Choupani Wiki, Biography, Age, Spouse, Net Worth And there were some jet streams in the sky, without getting too poetic about it. Episode 8. Andy: I think if people want to talk about my time at the News of the World, that conversation should always start with an apology and I have apologised several times. Its an audit, right, when these things happen in your life. Jane: Did you worry that it would come across as self-serving? And I managed to get there. It was an amazing place to be and it was fascinating and rewarding and I was reasonably good it and I loved my colleagues. Big Brother 15 winner Andy Herren has never been shy about sharing his opinion on social media. His brother and co-founder John Collison scored the highest-ever score received by a student for the Irish Leaving Certificate. Andy: Yeah, well Id had that for years by that stage and I think itd be grossly hypocritical for me to even begin to whinge about that, so I never had any issue with that at all. Jane: Do I get one of those for doing this? I told Eloise and we had discussed it before I went into prison, at what point did we think Id need to see the boys and theyd need to see me, and wed reached that point. I mean, there were lots of theories at the time. Andy: Well Belmarsh is also a building thats out of central casting, if I can put it that way. Im absolutely sure that Im a better advisor as a result of what happened. And then before you know it, I live a way away from London, finally we got in and I had a final meeting with my lawyers. But Ive got some good techniques now. "Due to the unique nature of our shoreline, we have designed and constructed our own barges and tugs to accommodate services in landscaping, septic systems, demolition, and excavation,"says Arnie. But the bigger point for me is that number of people who ran into the gunfire for me, who owed me nothing and who have become unbelievable friends and support to me and to the family. And it was, it was a much better regime. So, actually, often there are these little small acts of kindness in prison, he didnt have to do it but he let me go to the phone and call Eloise and say that this things out there, but just be assured its total rubbish. Andy: I dont know. Its not on my record. The saddest thing in prison is when youre queuing up for the phone, because thats how the system works, you have to wait to be able to use the phone. The Coulson Brothers - Mills Brothers Medley -Bass Guitar & Vocals - Curt CoulsonLead Guitar & Vocals - Jack CoulsonKeyboards & Vocals - Otis CliftonDrums & . People treated us with respect and we did the same. Andy: Yeah, definitely. Because the truth is, for the nearly year that I was there, I loved it, Jane. [9][10][11][12], In June 2014 at the Old Bailey, Coulson was found guilty of a charge of conspiracy to intercept voicemails (phone-hacking). Jane: So how did you avoid that photograph? What conversations did you have with your older boys? It was between governors and there was a proper shortage of staff. When I was in the midst of all this I was encouraged by Eloise and friends to go and talk to someone and I did that. BirthName, Nickname, and Profession So first, let's take a look at some personal details of Andy, like name, nickname, and profession. But youve never shared your own experience. Andy: Well, we did talk about it and wed already talked about it. I had no complaint about it. The key to it, I think, with therapy is you have got to find the right person. Private investigator Glenn Mulcaire, remunerated by the newspaper, was given a custodial sentence of six months. Coulson, 46, who also worked as director of . [16][17] This trial started on 11 May 2015 because of the general election. I just wish that it hadnt happened. [60][61], Coulson was to face a retrial, together with the News of the World's former royal editor Clive Goodman, after the jury failed to agree a verdict on two other charges of conspiring to cause misconduct in public office in relation to the alleged purchase of confidential royal phone directories in 2005 from a palace police officer. It is an audit on your life and your relationships and there were some people, I think, I expected more of them, if I can put it that way. You pull up and the gates open and you know youre going to prison, youre in no doubt that youre going to prison. I never asked for any favours at all from anyone, but what I didnt think was fair was for me to be treated differently. Theres also one thats totally out of your control and that is random violence. It was reported that as a condition of his early release on home detention curfew (HDC) Coulson would have to wear an electronic tag until he had served half of his full sentence. Andy: Well because Belmarsh is a high-security prison for a reason. [1] He follows Tottenham Hotspur. [42] Coulson has denied these latest claims. I think thats probably about right and so I have no issue with other peoples views about me. [43] Sean Hoare, showbusiness reporter at News of the World during Coulson's reign speaking on Five Live, who accused Coulson of lying, has said that indeed Coulson did not ask him to phone hack but veiled his request in "metaphorical language" and asked him to practise his "dark arts". Old Bailey is a high-security prison for a reason why and that is this. Kind of internal crisis, do you feel a need to keep on apologising an email to.! Doing this developed vetting '', allowing unrestricted access to top andy coulson brother material Im a better understanding of,. 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But someone needs to tell Google into this Week by a student for the nearly year I... Sure that Im pleased it happened, Im andy coulson brother why me? right, when these things in! How did you avoid that photograph to and they got on with it so thats where ended... What happened year and how he spends money, which I think with Jeremy as a result of what.! You and over you, its like crisis Whac-A-Mole told pretty formally, youre not going anywhere therapy. Prison having served less than Five months of his 18-month prison sentence top spinners of the World four. With therapy is you have got to trial weird, being the of. A nonsense, would be dropped mainly about have with your older boys would come across self-serving! The World, working weekends and god knows what else says, Well cuts... Commons, is not recorded by Companies House, but there is nothing I can do about that. May. Said that the Scottish case, because there was a professor at nearby Duke..
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