They leak out and stalk the conversation until they find a way to intrude I largely agree with this as the consequence of attempt[ing] to hide our judgments. But, its important to say that hiding judgments is not what NVC advises. In actual NVC conversations with people who dont know NVC, saying I need in a way that is likely to trigger a sense of obligation in the listener would be the total antithesis of NVC it would amount to making a demand (and NVC is specifically designed to be about not making demands) in the guise of what superficially appears to be NVC. Instead of saying, ""Would you be willing to connect with me? I would be more inclined to say something like, Would you be willing to talk about this now, for about 5 minutes?. Podcast #862: Heal the Body With Extended Fasting, Podcast #761: How Testosterone Makes Men, Men, How Saunas Can Help Save Your Body, Mind, and Spirit, Podcast #852: The Brain Energy Theory of Mental Illness, The Insanely Difficult Standards of Historys Hardest P.E. This is likely to take some processing. Keep Body Language Open and Receptive Your body language communicates a lot, sometimes more than the actual words you speak. The physiological response suggests that on some level we've made a judgment that fighting might be an appropriate response. (NVC, p.151) and". Cloud & invisible spam protection for websites. We also offer strategy and execution . These are innovators focused on disruptive clean technologies who know a strong brand is the pathway to a high valuation. Note to self: Would it be useful to include anything in my NVC teaching about checking out our beliefs about what we think is going on? I haven't often seen people getting into this sort of trouble. Might there be valuable ways of using the energy of anger, beyond using it as a wake-up call? I was delighted to encounter this, because I think there is a lot to be learned from reflecting on ideas dear to us (as we understand them and as others perceive them), and considering what arises from different orientations to the problem of communication. As I interpret it, the recipes of NVC are largely oriented towards advising how to skillfully address what I might term Relationship Talk having conversations which, at some level, have to do with the relationship between me and you, and where there is a risk of a sense of separation creeping in between us if we're not attentive. There is a profound mental shift that needs to be practiced in order to achieve an inner paradigm shift. It doesn't seem to occur to either the principal or Dr. Rosenberg that the goal of attending the meeting need not be summarily dropped in favor of spending an unspecified length of time with the student, that the situation might be a both/and rather than an either/or." His comments came as he spoke to a group of reporters on read more. Note to self: Ive seldom seen this taught formally. Products Bestsellers. They also point to distinctive experiences that arent named as accurately by something like sad. Frequently Asked Questions about New Dawn Works. Your demeanor can truly be wielded like a weapon. You say "Dr. Rosenberg equates anger with the desire to find fault; he writes that anger 'indicates that we have moved up to our head to analyze and judge somebody' (p.143). I believe we are connected more deeply when we receive the feelings and needs being expressed rather than the thought." The key to this kind of positive interaction is what the authors of Couple Skills call clean communication. Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning, and Kim Paleg (hereafter referred to as MFP) define clean communication as taking responsibility for the impact of what you say. By being more intentional about their communication techniques and leaving out rhetoric that wounds ones partner and creates defensiveness, a couple creates a safe place in which to honestly and respectfully work through their differences. Regarding using giraffe to label someone speaking NVC and jackal to label someone speaking more violently, I agree that this is a risky strategy for trying to support conceptual clarity. NVC invites us to move out of the frame in which good/bad is the only means of expressing our enjoyment of others actions, and to provide more useful information to support others in understanding what we mean. Clean Talk Listen to Clean Talk To listen in your web browser, simply click on one of the links below. CleanTalk compiles own database of spam IPs and Emails Database. Here, I offer a detailed (and long) response to that essay. Its not a form that it seems like NVC would encourage its not naming an NVC-style need, as I understand these. But what actually comes out of our mouths may only be a slice of that bigger picture a partial fragment that is then misconstrued by our partner. I am curious about ways in which we might explicitly talk about interpretations as a part of conversations intended to transform conflicts. You write "Dr. Rosenberg appears to consider only the most negative of these definitions as the meaning of a judgment essentially, to equate judgment with condemnation. . / Clean Talk suggests that a word ending in "ed" is subtly suggesting that something outside of us is doing something to us, and that therefore we are not taking full ownership of what we feel and perhaps even accusing someone of something harmful.. So, paradoxically, because of my belief that the world would be better if there were less violence, I feel worried about endorsing conventional patterns of condemning of violence. I notice that tired doesnt have clear non -ed alternatives there is exhausted but that has an -ed, and sleepy doesnt mean the same thing. I think it would be unfortunate if anyone understood this as a speech rule saying that one cant ever express or process interpretations. However, NVC also questions whether the stories that go along with anger are likely to be trustworthy guides to optimal action, whether it's likely to be optimal to continue in a physiological state that is designed for fighting, and whether it's optimal to express ourselves from that state. "Oh boo-hoo. Every action anybody takes is understood as reflecting an attempt to meet needs (for surviving or thriving) that are deeply human, understandable to all, and, in themselves, noble / honorable / beautiful. Brett & Kate McKay September 17, 2014 Last updated: September 25, 2021. The Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition says buildings that burn natural gas account for about two-thirds of harmful carbon emissions in Chicago. You express a concern that, "NVC loses a precious opportunity here, particularly for parents, mentors, teachers, and others who wish to acknowledge work well done or to offer blessing or support. Im not sure what you think NVC is advocating for that that would prevent this from happening? While the focus of this post is communication in a romantic relationship, much of this also applies to personal interactions in all areas of your life. CleanTalk Inc | 63 followers on LinkedIn. Realizing that you want this for them as well, you may feel some tenderness towards them, and find that much of the energy of blame and judgment towards them drains away even as you continue to really want dependability and trust. I'm not aware that Rosenberg talked about this distinction, about different contexts, different types of Talk, but it's something he seemed to intuitively know. Straight Talk About Communication Research Methods. First, I want to name the the idea of requiring or not requiring or forbidding, etc., are all antithetical to NVC. I see it offering connection to some aspects of deeper meaning. I feel a little embarrassed, relieved to be clearer about what is happening, and hopeful that this act of transparency might in some way be useful.). On the other hand, when Rosenberg or anyone else teaches, they are engaged in a type of different activity, using what I might term Concept Mapping Talk transmitting concepts and how they relate to one anotherand the guidance that is relevant toteaching (once we've addressed the relational issue of whether there is consent to be together in a teaching context) is different than the guidance that relevant to addressing the relationship between us. Create sincere, inviting body language by relaxing your face, making warm eye contact, leaning forward, keeping your arms uncrossed, and nodding to show youre listening. These seem analogous to the sort of judgments that you are concerned about an NVC practitioner not expressing. . The only way I can make sense of it is if you are objecting to the wording would you be willing? which is one common way of phrasing a request. Anger, and the stories we tell ourselves in association with anger, tend to lead to adversarial reactions. I don't know how to make sense of a standard that would imply we have to (impossibly) say everything we are doing, or be judged as being violent. (In your essay, it seems like you might prefer to use judgment" as a synonym for discernment. ). Something acts as an NVC-style need if it draws attention to something that is wanted in a way that people are likely to have sympathy for and find understandable, and at a level of abstraction that supports flexibility in thinking about possible ways of addressing it. They hear something much different than you intended. On the other hand, suppose you approach the performer and say, When I listened to you sing, my cares fell away and I felt joy and awe it filled me with a sense of beauty. In this case, even if the performer perceived mistakes in their performance, there is nothing to argue with in your report of your own subjective experience; regardless of how the performer enjoyed their own performance, they can take in the way that their performance contributed to you. Clean Talk can afford to be more restrictive in how it defines feelings since saying thats not a pure feeling simply changes how the idea gets expressed, not whether it gets expressed. Invisible anti-spam without CAPTCHA, questions, puzzles, counting animals, math and etc. CleanTalk is a SaaS spam protection service for Web sites. To keep things amicable, adopt an open, rather than closed posture. Its tragic that a disturbing number of people get introduced to NVC in a way that leads them to imagine that referring to what we need as a tactic for trying to get ones way has something to do with, or could be in integrity with, the practice of NVC. You say "Clean Talk's inclusion of judgments in its basic recipe (data, feeling, judgment, want) is based on a belief that human beings judge all the time, and that we must do so in order to survive. In my language, Id say human beings use discernment all the time, and must do so in order to survive; I think we agree on this. You can check any IP or Email with the Blacklists Database, it allows you to block spammers or other malicious activity. ' While talking about your history together may be useful when youre both calm, MFP recommend sticking to the present when things are heated, as anger turns references to the past into a club rather than a source of enlightenment.. A while ago, a colleague brought to my attention aessay comparing a communication practice called "Clean Talk" with Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in quite some detail. I converse at the level of interpretations much of the time. CleanTalk provides not only anti-spam plugins for websites. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said he is against a "clean" debt ceiling increase. It certainly wasn't about blocking the flow of judgments for him. If you do not wish to use optional cookies, please read our, You can report a spam IP or email address. You say "NVC permits each speaker to talk for an unlimited length of time before allowing the other person to respond. Actually, Dr. Rosenberg is famous for advising people to try to say whatever they want to say in 40 words or less (which is often unduly restrictive in practice). Is this a time you could hear me? as an example of Clean Talk. I've addressed above the subject of feelings that may have tinges of something else, and the misconception that NVC encourages people to claim the clout of "I need. When Im left waiting I end up feeling frustrated and disrespected. Talk to a Coach . We'll get back to you as soon as possible. Making negative comparisons also tells your partner that youve been thinking about someone else, and how that other person measures up to her, which can provoke hurt feelings and jealously. Youve always had this flaw, and its not getting any better. Its a practice, for shifting our mental habits and re-orienting the way we relate to life. CleanTalk Awards. Im open to feedback on the content of anything that I say, or on the way I express myself, and Ill be curious about how any of this is for you to receive. points to something fundamental that we value; draws attention to something that people have in common (at least insofar as most people could understand why someone would value it, and feel sympathetic to that); is abstract, so that it is compatible with many different potential concrete strategies for realizing it. This pattern ends in thinking Joe is wrong and deserves to be punished without ever considering other aspects of the situation, such as Joe making a tragic choice in order to address something that we could probably all agree was important to address, and our collectively modeling the use of violence as the way we address conflict, and so on. NVC does, I think, invite us to examine more closely certain beliefs, especially beliefs that we think we can only express in moralistic terms. So, I would translate the issue you raise to something like, would it be beneficial if NVC encourage people to try to reveal how they would benefit from what they say they want? 26. 1. Exploring these topics has been rich for me. Here are some examples of global labels, and how they could be better rendered as specific critiques of behavior instead of character: As MFP put it, the essence of a you message is simply this: Im in pain and you did it to me. And theres usually this subtext: You were bad and wrong for doing it to me. When people slight us, it may be true that they are entirely, or almost entirely, to blame. To a large extent, the NVC invitation to name our need is meant to address this issue. The talking wall operates by using a thin durable Mylar diaphragm for sound transfer. In the example you offered, the inaccuracy could also have been exposed by sharing an observation such as "You didn't call me" without layering on judgment (pejorative speculation about others reasons) by saying "You couldn't be bothered to call me.". The body's immune system can also function more optimally by crowding out inflammatory . Regarding hurt and injured I agree that these are risky in that they can be held as implying an agent who caused these. I think NVC discourages the use of moralistic judgments because they are entrenched tools of coercion and battling for domination, and NVC is about shifting out of a paradigm where one engages in those sort of activities. (These are my own definitions, but they likely roughly correspond to what other NVC trainers would think of when they hear these terms. As you discuss whats bothering you, describe your emotions as specifically as possible. being connected to what is important to us, conceptually and energetically; seeing the humanity in one another, and relating to one another with an open heart; increasing flexibility, suggesting the possibility of a variety of concrete ways of addressing what matters to us; thinking and talking about what matters to us in a way that, unlike the use of moralistic language," need not trigger painful associations with a sense of danger of social disapproval or punishment. Needs reflect the most distinctive and profound aspect of the NVC model. Again, this isnt addressed in the book you read. What starts as a conversation escalates into a fight in which the original issue gets forgotten, you lose track of what youre even yelling about, and nothing gets resolved. Your partner might say, Hmmm, thats an interesting way to do it, when they really mean, Youre doing it wrong. Or for example, you might say to your wife, And here you are finally, late as usual. Youre pretending to make a straightforward observation, but youre really mixing in your judgments, thoughts, and feelings. Plus, your partner will likely be hurt that youre still holding onto something she thought youd forgiven her for, and you both will feel like your relationship isnt progressing. Clean communication means keeping your voice as close to your normal tone and volume as possible. Rosenberg refuses to say the conventional things about violence to try to disrupt the static thinking about this topic that ultimately leads to nowhere near as good an outcome as he believes would otherwise be possible. I think NVC encourages us simply to be aware of the ways that they can hurt, especially at times and in certain contexts. I can understand why Dr. Rosenberg might want to focus primarily on moralistic judgments, and use judgment as a convenient shorthand for that, while you might prefer to use judgment in a broader sense. That said, I have (only infrequently) had an experience of an NVC practitioner (who I assess as not very skilled) being so focused on reflecting feelings and needs that they couldn't "get" the meaning I was wanting to share with them. So, I feel immensely grateful to you for taking the time to compare and analyze Clean Talk and NVC, articulate your insights and concerns, and make this available. (This seems somewhat similar to Clear Talks position that people would do well to own what you want for you.). This occurs when you mix some of the 4 elements together or mislabel them in order to disguise your real intent. Note to self: Is there something Id like to tell students to give them more guidance about how to navigate potential reactions to empathy guesses by people not used to NVC? There is, of course, a danger that someone may not transform their anger, yet misinterpret NVC to mean they should pretend they're not angry, and this may lead to some of the sort of negative consequences you're concerned about. You talk about how Clean Talk invites the expression of a "second-level want" that "helps to bring into the open the real reason for the conversation", and say that it "often helps to resolve the conflict more effectively than any other component of the conversation." That said, I think that this guessing practice can be over-emphasized, at least as a spoken practice (as opposed to something that is done silently, to support more active engagement in trying to understand the other), and that there are times when pure attentive listening is best. I thought to myself, That's a telling question that reveals a confusion of boundaries." New Dawn Works has 4.5 stars. The open question isnt about whether discernment happens and is valuable, but about how it is likely to be useful to express this. Note to self: Explore how it might look to express two different levels of meaning in NVC. | CleanTalk is a SaaS spam protection service for Web sites. Most often, I dont find that requests lead to these sort of problems. We learn to communicate clearly and effectively. NVC has an implicit premise that our culture overly encourages us to use strategies that have an adversarial nature, and that we would often be more likely to enjoy what happens if we act from a state of mind informed by empathic insight and compassionwhile still fully honoring what is important to us. It contributes in an enlivening way to my own explorations of communication. Im guessing you just didnt manage to do it, and I want it to be totally okay for you to be human. And, Im wondering what additional measures might support safety/nonviolence? Im guessing that in the first example, youve omitted a No response between the two blocks of text, and in the second example, a No response should replace the second block of text [Sure, you can come along] though this still leaves both examples reading a bit strangely, in terms of how well the final guess seems to match, or fails to match, the logic of the conversation.). I think his talk of never hearing thoughts was meant as a wake-up-call to people "lost in their heads" who might believe they can rely purely on reason to navigate through conflict, without opening themselves to feelings, compassion, and empathic understanding. Invisible to the visitors, spam protection has a positive effect on the loyalty of the site's audience. If you approached me with the Clean Talk expression, "I want to connect with you and then stopped talking, I might feel frustrated with you for beating around the bush, and putting the burden on me to figure out what you meant by that and to propose a way of addressing it. I hope you've gotten something out of this as well. Global labels can feel highly satisfying to hurl at someone when youre angry and can seem completely justifiable at the time. NVC has some practices, related to connecting to needs that can sometimes release people from these traps. Here are some examples: When youre addressing a certain problem, stick with the issue at hand instead of slinging mud, or engaging in what my friend calls closet-fighting i.e., reaching back into the closet of your past for old grievances to buttress your current accusations. After practicing NVC for decades, he still carried around a notebook where he would record his judgments, so that he could work on transforming them when he had a chance. Theyll also likely match your defensive stance, and the discussion will get off to a rocky start. To the contrary, Rosenberg was fond of encouraging people to "enjoy the jackal show," i.e., to accept and watch the stream of judgments that flow through our consciousness. Im not clear on to what extent this is a limit of NVC vs. being a limit of our practices of it. I imagine it as a practical question, that need not have any deeper meaning. I think that is both unnecessary and unwise." I am also intrigued by the ideas of Powerful Non-Defensive Communication (PNDC), as developed by Sharon Strand Ellison. Posted on . Note to self: There could be value in articulating more explicitly when to use the model." Yet, the fact that these judgments are being made is presumably not explicitly shared in the Clean Talk statement that is expressed. I think the logic is basically that sharing interpretations is viewed as likely to stimulate arguments about whose interpretation is true, in a way that diverts attention away from matters that would be less divisive and more important to talk about namely, what needs are at issue, and what could be done to address those needs? His experience of anger is apparently quite different from mine; I find when I'm angry that I don't think very clearly, which tells me that I'm anywhere but in my head.". I can easily imagine a context in which the words you quote might have been said. (I find the story you cite on p. 113 in NVC: A Language of Life.) The 10 Commandments of Clean Communication. UK Cleaning Forum - CleanTalk. It may be helpful to review what I said above about what the technical term need refers to in NVC. We might then name I feel angry but in a way that energetically does not dump our anger onto the other person, because we trust that the anger doesnt represent our deepest truth. In so doing, MFP write, your partner can hear what youre feeling without being overwhelmed or bludgeoned by it. Here are some examples: Even more than what we say, our body language conveys how were actually feeling. By choosing "Accept", you agree to the storage of all types of cookies used on the site. As an NVC practitioner, I dont try to block judgments from happening and I notice and acknowledge them as they arise, but I also dont dwell on them or believe that they are true. I take them as a signal that something needs attending to, and I look at the situation through the lens of (NVC-style) needs, and attend to the needs in play (mine and others). It is the norm for some people to get their way (superficially) and for others to submit, or for overt or covert rebellion to happen. With regard to perceptions that he minimizes the role of thought, again, I think that Dr. Rosenberg sometimes expressed things strongly to try to overcome the inertia of habits that undervalue emotion and values. This clarifies that we interested in understanding, not in blaming and doing battle. This matches what Clean Talk advocates for, albeit with an extra stage of checking first before offering judgments. I'm tired of your perpetual 'poor me' attitude." "Maybe if you were more of a man, you'd be able to handle this." "You'd probably feel better if you got off your fat, lazy ass and finally did something about it." Global labels also make your partner feel helpless if the problem is rooted in their very identity/personality, changing will seem impossible to them. Dr. Rosenberg dealt with some of the problematic aspects of our interpretations, the stories we tell ourselves, by encouraging people to shift their focus, to attend more to other components of experience that he felt were ultimately more important. Interpersonal conflicts seem to often be deeply rooted in differing interpretations. NVC cautions that it's essential to empowerment and personal freedom to recognize that emotions don't only reflect what happens outside us, but also reflect the stories we have made up about what we've observed, associations we have with unhealed pain from the past, and our assessments of how what is happening is likely to meet or not meet our needs. One might equally say "making sweeping generalizations is a form of violence. Some of the feelings words you express concern about point to experiences that point to particular physiological responses which I would feel regretful if it became forbidden to name them. As to the risk of making empathy guesses (guesses about anothers observations, feelings, needs, etc.) I imagine trying to express all such judgments as leading to an infinite regress, and I can't imagine how it could be viable to assert that it would be necessary or beneficial to express these. But, these can be reduced, over time, with practice. ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. You say that the Magician is the "head" or "mind" part of us, and share some quotes in which Marshall says". I might or might not share that I was initially angry, as a way of helping the other person understand my full experience, but I wouldnt be dumping my angry energy on them, and Id ideally be speaking from a deeper, more loving place, holding both them and myself with care. If Dr. Rosenberg says I need this is primarily for pedagogical purposes, to draw the attention of his students to what he is doing, much like a dance instructor calling out the steps they are doing. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen agreed with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He to enhance communication about macroeconomic and financial issues during a two-and-a-half hour meeting . You talk about the NVC trainer in a workshop holding up a scarf to signify expressing anger only inwardly, not to the other. That said, I see some advantages to the way Clean Talk seems to frame this. If the latter, it may spell the end; clean communication offers the best possible chance of relationship success, but doesnt guarantee it if you just arent right for each other. What is skillful around duration of speaking or listening depends on context. Yet, I still feel cautious and curious about what you're advocating for. Your Clean Talk examples provides a context that can soften this response but one can go further towards . And, if what I did was wrong means, knowing what I know now, I wish I had made a different choice I feel sad and long for the wisdom to make different choices going forward then I wouldnt regard that as moralistic and would be happy to have it be expressed. We provide plugins and API to block forum spam, board spam, blog spam, web site spam with their spreading spam, abusing forms on web sites and other annoyances. Would you be wiling to tell me what youre hearing me say?. It is presumed that it is necessary to motivate people extrinsically, and that it makes sense to coerce people to do things that they dont intrinsically want to do. Some such words have alternate forms, e.g., disappointment or disgust or shock; perhaps using these formswithout -edwould be more congruent with self-responsibility? Remember when I spent all weekend cleaning the house before your folks arrived and you never even said thank you?, Its always the same damned thing with you. You say "What strikes me most about this practice is that it attempts to hide what we're really feeling from the other person, which seems to me a form of deception. I respectfully disagree. This framework offers a reliable basis for seeing beauty and nobility in all people and in every part of our psyche an intellectual framework that, when it is exercised fully, inevitably leads people to experience love and compassion. Why dont you take our finances more seriously? It's called the "Clean Buildings, Clean Air" ordinance. Im curious about the apparent intensity of wanting to know more (you say, "I have questions"), with regard to some of these examples. You mention Rosenberg's "suggestion that we guess what the other person is feeling and needing, which seems to assume the other person isn't capable of describing it, and therefore rather condescending." There is an intermediate step, if one hasnt gone through this sort of processing: One can remind oneself that our anger isnt the full truth of the situation, and that the blame component of what we feel is only there because we havent done the work to understand the situation more deeply. Interpretations much of the time voice as close to your normal tone volume! The body & # x27 ; s immune system can also function more optimally by crowding out.... I thought to myself, that need not have any deeper meaning accurately clean talk communication. Hear what youre feeling without being overwhelmed or bludgeoned by it really mixing in your Web,. Hearing me say?, i want it to be totally okay for you. ) of cookies on. 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