AB 602 imposes additional standards and procedures for agencies adopting impact fees. Only 623,212 verified signatures are needed to qualify the initiative and put the law on hold until voters weigh in. The intent of the bill is to provide the financial and technical support necessary for the UC and CSU systems and for community college campuses to build affordable housing to meet the urgent and growing needs of California's students. The legislation, introduced by Democratic assembly member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, was approved in the state senate by 39 votes to nil. The bill also prohibits cities from requiring bicycle licenses. There are some new laws in California in 2023, including the minimum wage and jaywalking. SB 791 establishes within HCD the California Surplus Land Unit to provide technical assistance to local agencies and developers to "facilitate the development and construction of residential housing on local surplus land." SB 591 authorizes the establishment of intergenerational housing developments that would include senior citizens, caregivers and transition-age youth in order to permit developers who receive local or state funds or tax credits designated for affordable rental housing to prioritize and restrict occupancy of certain developments to senior citizens, caregivers and transition-age youth. Large jurisdictions are required to adopt a capital improvement plan as part of the nexus study. Governor Newsom is especially focused on rebuilding the states portfolio of housing and treatment options for people with severe behavioral health challenges. This installment includes migrant childcare, homeless children, water theft, factual innocence, mental health, home inspections and more. But this research was done on such laws that put more restrictions on who was eligible to apply. Agencies must adopt studies at a public hearing with at least 30 days' notice, notify any member of the public who requests notice of an impact fee nexus study and consider any evidence submitted by any member of the public that the agency's determinations or findings are insufficient. 09/21/2022 04:30 AM EDT. SACRAMENTO, Calif. A crew of state workers arrived early one hot summer day to clear dozens of people camped under a dusty overpass near California's Capitol. The new law does not criminalize display or placement of the swastika associated with Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Assembly Bill 2282, which takes effect on the first of the year, increases penalties for people who use hateful symbols as part of hate crimes swastikas, nooses, desecrated crosses and expands restricted locations to include K-12 schools and colleges. He said the change improves upon the existing 3-foot law when passing a biker. SB 14 changes the Education Code to allow for absences due to mental and behavioral health to be counted as excused absences. We need to start implementing some things that work so that all students in California can be successful in having very strong academic foundations instead of taking a child and disciplining them and kicking them out of their learning environment either temporarily or permanently, she said. As previously reported, Senate Bill (SB) 9 provides for the ministerial approval of converting existing homes occupied by a homeowner into a duplex if certain eligibility restrictions are satisfied. Those taking effect on July 1, 2022 range from school . The new law requires the California Rehabilitation Oversight Board, part of the Office of the Inspector General, to issue annual reports to the governor and Legislature. During 2022 just under 1,000 laws were approved in California and are set to start impacting the lives of state residents across a wide variety of topics. $22 billion package the largest investment of its kind in state history will result in 84,000 new affordable housing units, including 44,000 homeless units, Multi-pronged approach to homelessness includes major investments to strengthen Californias mental health care system. Under the legislation, certified nurse midwives and qualified nurse practitioners will be able to carry out abortions, without requiring a physician to be supervising the procedure. In addition to SB 478 (discussed above), which restricts CC&Rs that impose FAR restrictions, laws restricting CC&Rs include the following: One of the most under-publicized laws of the 2021 session, AB 721 makes recorded covenants that limit residential development unenforceable against qualifying affordable housing developments. AB 345 further facilitates ADUs by removing the requirement for a local agency to first pass an ordinance allowing the conveyance of an ADU separately from a primary residence (which can be an extended process) before such conveyance occurs and permits an ADU to be sold or conveyed separately from the primary residence to a qualified buyer (low- and moderate-income individuals and families as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 50093) and if certain conditions are met, including that the primary residence or ADU was built by a qualified nonprofit corporation and that the property is held pursuant to a recorded tenancy in common agreement. As such, this law strengthens the enforcement tools that may be used against noncompliant jurisdictions. SACRAMENTO In September 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom announced the state had prioritized 100 high-profile encampment sites on state land to clear. Hopefully we can see this data inform some kind of strategies and ideas around where we go from here, he said. It's been a tough year for abortion rights campaigners in America, with the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade in June, but new laws strengthening abortion access are due to take effect in 2023. Labor Commissioner Revokes Garment Manufacturer's License for Labor Law Violations and Informs Employers of New Law for 2022. As women from restrictive states come to California, closing our provider gap is more important than ever.. SB 8 also enacts a series of reforms intended to provide that HCA provisions apply to both discretionary and ministerial approvals as well as to the construction of a single dwelling unit and makes a series of revisions to the already complex replacement housing and relocation requirements. The Democrats currently hold veto-proof super majorities in both houses. Yet California Democrats continue to handicap law enforcement's ability to enforce laws against homeless individuals to force them to get the mental health and substance abuse treatment they need. FAR is a common mechanism in local zoning codes that limits the total floor area of a building in relation to the square footage of a lot. It will be important to plan for affordable and market-rate unit integration from an entitlement, financing and construction perspective. But just after the bill was signed into law in September, a referendum effort fueled by oil and gas companies was launched to undo it. This year, CapRadio is focusing on 10 new laws that could impact your world. Hundreds of new laws will take effect across California in 2023. With the 2022 primary elections less than six months away, candidates are diving head-first into one of California's most visible and persistent problems: homelessness. The Governor's 202223 budget proposes $2 billion onetime General Fund over two years that is intended to address nearterm homelessness needs while previously authorized funds for longterm housing solutions are implemented: $1.5 billion for behavioral health "bridge" housing and $500 million for the Encampment Resolution Grants Program. Assembly Bill 1909 makes four changes to laws affecting bicyclists, as well as drivers and pedestrians who share California roads. Some cities and counties have a higher minimum wage than what is required by the state. READ MORE. 1. Several new laws add transparency to the process for updating the Housing Element and progress on meeting the Housing Element's goals by imposing additional noticing and reporting obligations on local jurisdictions. Its unacceptable, said Governor Newsom. Among the cases filed, one was of Dr. Elysse Versher, vice principal at West Campus High School, who was subjected to anti-Black hate crimes on school grounds earlier this year. Governor Newsom Announces Homekey Grants for New Homeless Housing in Los Angeles and Sacramento Published: Feb 01, 2022 Roomkey and Homekey sheltered 58,000 unhoused Californians California Blueprint proposes $2 billion for total $14 billion homelessness package that will create 55,000 new housing units and treatment slots in the coming years To be eligible an ex-convict must have completed their sentence, and not committed any more offenses. This creates more ownership options for nonprofit housing organizations. Applicants who submit qualifying preliminary applications for housing developments prior to Jan. 1, 2030, can now invoke vesting rights until Jan. 1, 2034. The statewide California minimum wage will rise to $15.50 per hour for all employer sizes. She says the bill was, in part, prompted by discrepancies in the existing law, as well as by the uptick in hate crimes and nooses in school settings. Assembly Bill 89 would require all community colleges in California to create a universal policing curriculum, and it would raise the minimum age for new officers from 18 to 21. AB 491 requires that, for any residential structure with five or more residential dwelling units that include both affordable housing units and market-rate housing units, the BMR units must provide the same access to common entrances, areas and amenities as non-BMR units, and the building "shall not isolate the affordable housing units within that structure to a specific floor or an area on a specific floor." One reason current data is unreliable is that inmates often tell parole boards they have housing, even if they dont, according to Chris Martin, policy director with Housing California, a nonprofit that supported the law. Photo by Jeff Chiu, AP Photo. The law builds on existing law that allows parties to eliminate unenforceable racially restrictive covenants from recorded documents but goes dramatically further by making any recorded CC&Rs that restrict the number, size or location of residences that may be built on a property, or that restrict the number of persons or families who may reside on a property, unenforceable against the owner of a 100 percent BMR housing development that is affordable to lower-income households. Los Angeles Times. . Agencies must update nexus fee studies at least every eight years from the period beginning on Jan. 1, 2022. During 2022 just under 1,000 laws were approved in California and are set to start impacting the lives of state residents across a wide variety of topics. "This is probably the best swell in the past 25 years," says longtime surfer Mitt Seely at Topanga Beach. Gov. The Governor today signed a package of bills to increase coordination and accountability of the states homelessness spending, including AB 1220 by Assemblymember Luz Rivas (D-Arleta) which reforms the former Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council, renaming it the California Interagency Council on Homelessness, and bolsters the Councils powers through new data mandates and oversight authorities. Although California Senate Bill (SB) 9 (by-right duplexes) and SB 10 (upzonings up to 10 units) received the most attention, other important laws promoting increased density were enacted, such as SB 290, which reforms the State Density Bonus Law (SDBL), and SB 478, which limits floor area ratio (FAR) and lot coverage standards that limit multifamily housing. SB 8 extends until 2030 provisions that limit localities' authority to impose shifting requirements as part of application "completeness" review, as well as provisions that require localities to render any decision about whether a site is historic at the time the application for the housing development project is deemed complete. As a result of AB 1594 victims of gun violence, along with local prosecutors and the state attorney general, will gain the right to sue firearms manufactures for the damage their weapons caused following a number of mass shootings across the U.S. in 2022. From healthcare to marriage to law enforcement, these new rules affect the daily lives of everyone in the state. Today, numerous laws infringe on poor people's equal protection under the law.We have introduced legislation called the Right to Rest in California , Oregon & Colorado to overturn local laws targeted to remove certain . The law also clarifies that subsequent permit applications must only meet the objective standards that were in place when the original development application was submitted. This accelerated rezoning requirement, combined with other recent laws requiring agencies to make more realistic housing production assumptions and meet ever-increasing housing targets, present an important opportunity for by right processing within jurisdictions that do not meet housing targets. The law does not streamline project approval, but qualifying projects can benefit from expedited litigation procedures that attempt to reduce CEQA challenge timelines to less than a year if they can achieve the governor's certification. Click "accept" below to confirm that you have read and understand this notice. One of the most important recent housing laws is SB 330, also known as the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (HCA), which 1) limits a locality's ability to prolong the housing approval process, 2) gives housing applicants an opportunity to invoke vesting rights against later-adopted changes to local ordinances, 3) limits cities' ability to impose or enforce housing caps and development moratoria and 4) requires developers who demolish existing housing to provide replacement housing and relocation benefits. SB 290 first builds on a 2018 law by Sen. Skinner, SB 1227, providing for density bonuses for projects that included student housing pursuant to the SDBL. AB 1584, a housing omnibus bill, establishes a restriction on contractual development controls that mirrors AB 721 by declaring unenforceable any CC&R contained within a deed, contract, security instrument or other instrument that prohibits, effectively prohibits or restricts the construction or use of an ADU on a lot zoned for single-family use. The phenomenon is particularly evident in Los Angeles County, where about half of the state's at least 49,000 chronically homeless people live. (See Holland and Knight's previous alert, "SB 7 Creates Expedited CEQA Litigation Schedule for Qualifying Projects," May 28, 2021.) Our Homeless Bill of Rights Campaign (HBR) strives to ensure that ALL people have the basic right to live where they choose without fear of harassment and criminalization. On Jan. 1, the minimum wage in California will increase to $15.50 an hour. The 10-person council is made up of four worker representatives, four employers, one person from the governors office and one from the Department of Industrial Relations. Among the coalition drafting the bill was the Anti-Defamation League. Now, two new laws in California would let developers build housing on that land and largely prevent revenue-hungry local governments from stopping them. California . Newsweek has gone through the new legislation to highlight some of the most notable. The 13 new laws give cities and counties across the state greater leeway to build supportive housing and shelters at a faster, more efficient pace, and in some cases, allow exemptions to existing regulations. AB 306 removes these requirements and requires DGS to approve the plans, specifications and methods of construction of certain factory-built school buildings to exclude from the definition of "school building" any building used or intended to be used by a school district as residential housing, meaning any building used as a personal residence by a teacher or employee of a school district or community college district. Recognizing that "home ownership provides low-income families the opportunity to build inter-generational wealth," AB 1095 revises laws governing the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC) and the Strategic Growth Council (SGC) to specify that both programs aim to promote affordable housing rental units and owner-occupied affordable housing units. Please note that email communications to the firm through this website do not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the firm. SACRAMENTO The COVID-19 pandemic continued to slow the pace of governing California in 2021 as it did the year before, with the second fewest number of . Local agencies are required to update their Housing Element every eight years (or four years if HCD determines it is noncompliant). Here's a breakdown of 11 of those new laws taking effect in 2022, most of which lawmakers approved in the last session (a few videos cover more than one new law on the same subject). However, critics of Newsom include Kimberly Guilfoyle, his former wife who is now engaged to Donald Trump Jr., who earlier this month insisted the governor "ain't making it to the White House.". SB 478 also makes any private development CC&R void and unenforceable if it effectively prohibits or unreasonably restricts an eligible FAR, as authorized under the new FAR standards and summarized above (and now found in Government Code Section 65913.11). Researchers have found a strong link between leaving prison and entering homelessness, but have struggled to find exact data. It all depends on what happens in the coming days. AB 1220 by Assemblymember Luz Rivas (D-Arleta) Homelessness: California Interagency Council on Homelessness. Altogether, the efforts highlighted today represent a comprehensive strategy to get more Californians off the streets faster than ever before and into the health services and housing they need all at a fraction of the cost of previous efforts. Members of the California Independent Petroleum Association spent millions on signature-gathering efforts to get the referendum on the ballot. Advocates say the bill will make biking safer. In connection with for-sale density bonus units that qualified a developer for an award of a density bonus under the SDBL, SB 728 requires that such unit be either 1) initially occupied by a person or family of the required income, offered at an affordable housing cost and subject to an equity sharing agreement, or 2) purchased by a qualified nonprofit housing organization receiving a property tax welfare exemption. Since September 2021, the state has cleared an average 100 encampments per month. Some begin in 2022 and others in the following years. Senate Bill 903 authored by now-retired Senator Bob Hertzberg attempts to measure this prison-to-streets pipeline. The SLA has been strengthened in recent years (with new penalty provisions) as a result of noncompliance in the past and to increase opportunities for affordable housing and other public purposes on underutilized public land. Three of the changes become effective on Jan. 1. The hallmark of Holland & Knight's success has always been and continues to be legal work of the highest quality, performed by well prepared lawyers who revere their profession and are devoted to their clients. AB 787 expands existing law that permits jurisdictions to claim credit for up to 25 percent of their RHNA from the conversion of existing housing units for very low- and low-income households by also permitting cities and counties to satisfy up to 25percent of the local agency's moderate-income regional housing need through RHNA through the conversion of units in an existing multifamily building to be restricted for moderate-income households. AB 1235 put into place new guidelines for shelters, allowing stays of up to 90 days and expanding eligibility for services to include young people at risk of becoming homeless. Those with violent or serious felonies in their backgrounds wouldnt get their records automatically sealed, but would be able to petition a court to have them sealed. Some of the new laws became effective immediately and others, including some that were signed into law just weeks ago, take effect January 1, 2023, or later. California has a critical housing shortage: The median home price broke $800,000 in 2021, and some experts say California needs about 3 million new homes for the growing population. A 2022 study from the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UC San Francisco showed that white ex-convicts were more likely to benefit from clean slate laws than Black people, for example. Several laws focus on fair housing and equity, including a new law that requires all BMR homes within a development to be integrated with market-rate homes, adding a new "Acutely Low Income" Household category and adding fair housing criteria to state and local program eligibility. It also requires the agency to report on student housing projects receiving density bonuses as part of a housing element annual report. Californias secretary of state is responsible for reviewing the signatures and certifying that a referendum qualifies for the ballot. The newest significant trend is a series of laws that take aim at recorded Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), including Assembly Bill (AB) 721, which makes any CC&Rs that limit residential development unenforceable against the developer of a 100 percent Below Market Rate (BMR) development. The California Interagency Council on Homelessness will also be the entity responsible for receiving, reviewing and ultimately approving homelessness plans submitted by cities, counties and Continuums of Care as part of the states $2 billion local homelessness assistance package through the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program (HHAP). We expanded it to schools because we decided that was a sensitive space where we don't want, especially our young people, to be terrorized.. His Homekey initiative, the . SB 290 adds the ability to request one concession or incentive for projects that include at least 20 percent of the total units for lower-income students in a student housing development.
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