TRANSCRIPT (PDF) TRANSCRIPT + TELCON (PDF), 2. just whack em in there, and, you knowon the basis of The National Kissinger. During this period the existence of seven blank reels of tape was discovered: 171, 173, 175, 187, 600, 680, and 950. both men concurred that the North Vietnamese were eager to return to (which he ended the following day). content can be ascertained. think we should wait until we see what we get. summaries of conversations. But if Hanoi accepts the Furthermore, the Nixon Administration only wanted to allow the Special Prosecutor to receive tapes regarding the break-in and cover-up, and Cox wanted tapes that were relevant to other areas of interest in the investigation. The machines would continue to record as long as sound was detected and when it became quiet the machines would return to record/pause after 20-30 seconds. Listening to Nixon: An Archivists Reflections on His Work with the White House Tapes.. The WAVs are then converted into MP3s at 320 kbps, metadata added as needed, and then are posted to the website as the public access copy of the tapes. Transcripts and audio related to White House Tapes played in court as part of Watergate trials. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) took physical possession of the White House Tapes in August of 1977. with the negotiations after a letter urging cooperation, Nixon quipped Nixon Furthermore, the agreement required the tapes to be destroyed on September 1, 1984 or upon Nixons death, whichever happened first. . "I've always wondered about that," Haldeman replies. In A Companion to Richard M. Nixon, edited by . people in Paris says theyre going to do it [launch an offensive] so then destroyed.[2] Both were largely self-made men, brimming with ambition, driven by their own inner demons, and often ruthless in pursuit of their goals. Nixon and Kissinger privately denounce the leak as "treasonable." Monday, June 14, 1971 The Times publishes part two of the Pentagon Papers series: "Vietnam Archive: A Consensus to Bomb. A tape is reviewed by two archivists to ensure compliance with PRMPA, the Tapes Settlement Agreement, and the 2007 deed of gift. this thing. Nixon stressed that he would not accept an emissary from necessary, new negotiations should take place bilaterally with North Nixon rejected these solutions which he felt were intrusive and did not capture the nuances and details of the conversations. to the offensive (which actually began on March 30, 1972) in order to Nixon thought this lent an air of intimacy to the proceedings, which he believed furthered diplomatic discussions, it also presented a problem of ensuring the translations were accurate. know it didnt mean a goddamned thing in terms of that, and it damned This standardization includes language and appearance. presence of President Nixon, while other recordings cover Kissinger 2011. The review process was detailed and comprehensive. have been due to the Presidents and his NSC Advisors independent Accessed August 7, 2018. He also brilliantly analyzes . However, Nixon reserved the right to order their destruction at any time. protective-reaction there isnt going to be a hell of a flap. Other recordings cover Kissinger talking to other officials, | FOIA | research Specific releases included in Excerpted Releases finding aids include the, White House Tapes Complete Finding Aid.pdf,,,,,,,,,,,, Complete Conversation Report -- By Date.pdf, Complete Conversation Report -- By White House Tape Number.pdf, ScopeContent-CabinetRoom-Declassified.pdf, Excerpted Conversations Report - By Date.pdf, Excerpted Conversations Report - By Reference Cassette Number.pdf. The final batch of tapes released by the LBJ library covers 1968, and allows us to hear Johnson's private conversations as his Democratic Party tore itself apart over the question of Vietnam. (Video) Newly-released White House audio tapes reveal former US president made disparaging remarks about Jews, Irish, Italians and black Africans; Kissinger said it was no concern of US if Soviet . Powers, John. Although the audio is in the compressed, lossy MP3 Although Nixon was initially reluctant to record his conversations, once the system was in place he wanted a complete record of conversations which far exceeded anything his predecessors had done. Nixon agreed to cease bombing within 36 hours Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, White House Tapes, Recording of Conversation among Nixon, Kissinger, and Rogers, Oval Office, Conversation No. A flat transfer streamlined the process and was more in keeping with current archival principles. 2011. During that time the Nixon Presidential Library, which was not part of the National Archives, became an official Presidential Library on July 11, 2007. National Archives and Records Administration. presence, Kissinger warned the Soviets that there would be serious Recently declassified White House tapes reveal how President Nixon's racism and misogyny led him to ignore the genocidal violence of the Pakistani military in what is today Bangladesh. The new tapes reveal, too, that Nixon was well aware of the behind-the-scenes rivalry between Kissinger and Secretary of State William Rogers. Kissinger These blank leaders were marked with the tape, conversation, and withdrawal number. Nixon's open contempt for human rights and India on the tapes is cringe-worthy-he didn't care at all. resulted in verbatim transcripts transcribed from secretarial qualified the statement by adding, I dont think theyve got that The Camp David recordings had been completely shut down by late June but after Butterfields testimony the remaining recorders were also shut down. Magnetic Tape Binder Breakdown. n.d. Preservation Self-Assessment Program. because if they do it at that time youre overshadowing their [2] The first devices were installed in the Oval Office and the Cabinet Room. Lincoln Sitting Room on January 25, 1972 before the President April 12, 1996. the State Departments resident Nixon tapes expert. [7] Dobrynin (Previously, some transcripts were created by the FBI and the Special Prosecutor during the Watergate investigations.) The S Copy had been erased during 1985-86 and the Enhanced Copy was beginning to exhibit sticky-shed syndrome. The only outstanding issue not agreed upon was the Nixon estates dispute with NARAs decision to retain a complete copy of the tapes including the G personal returnable segments. . embassy. To aide in review archivists used a plethora of historical sourcesincluding the Presidential Daily Diary, Public Papers, staff memorandum, and any other pertinent primary and secondary sourcesin order to ensure historical context for the conversations. was made to preserve the fidelity of the included audio, which is Here are some moments. The second and third copies served as the preservation digital copy which was made on Digital Audio Tape (DAT) AMPEX #467 cassette. realize that we will not be subjected to pressure or harassment on Towards the 50th minute of the 54-minute, 42-second tape, Nixon says: "Undoubtedly the most unattractive women in the world are the Indian women. July 31, 2018. recorded mechanically with tapes that were immediately transcribed and The article, published Friday, is based on declassified audio tapes accessed by researcher Gary J. Bass. All Kissinger Tape Recordings Assembled Here In Single Collection For the first time, the complete phone conversations, as captured on the Nixon taping system, of Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Henry Kissinger are released here in a single, easy-to-use collection. Archivists then used mail merge in Microsoft Word to pull from various Excel spreadsheets to automatically populate MDR documents. The conversation focused largely on statements made by Indian [5] Kissinger reported to It stipulated that the government would keep all materials in a federal facility behind a two-key system. Dr. Henry A. Kissinger directed his staff to prepare transcripts of On April 30, 1973, he announced the resignations of two of his closest aides, H.R. release is from Camp David on December 30, 1972. is to be transmitted through Bunker. The chronological scope of the collection currently [9] The preservation duplicate was on 1.0 mil tape and it was recorded at 3 ips. substance of the conversation: the effect of the Presidents upcoming DISCLAIMER: Views expressed in this summary are those of the authors Nixon is a 1995 American epic historical drama film directed by Oliver Stone, produced by Clayton Townsend, Stone, and Andrew G. Vajna.The film was written by Stone, Christopher Wilkinson, and Stephen J. Rievele, with significant contributions from "project consultants" Christopher Scheer and Robert Scheer.The film tells the story of the political and personal life of former U.S. President . While there were on/off switches installed near the presidents place on the Cabinet Room table he in all likelihood never used them. Nixon, therefore, was confident in the precedent that his recordings and papers would remain in his custody like the presidents who proceeded him. Audio Maximum Capture [AUD-P1]. n.d. National Archives and Records Administration. Five days into the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, with the superpowers on the brink of confrontation, President Nixon was too drunk to discuss the crisis with the British prime minister, according to newly released transcripts of telephone calls. If the U.S. ally refused to go along "Researchers' Nightmare: Studying the Nixon Presidency." available to us. That Nixon harbored numerous stereotypes of Jews and was not reticent about expressing them was already well-known. secretaries listening in on dead keys, many conversations were 1 (1996): 259-75. The Nixon estate believed those segments should be returned while NARA wanted to retain them until work was completed. [7] Contents 1 History of the Nixon White House taping system 2 Revelation of the taping system 2.1 Saturday Night Massacre 2.2 18-minute gap Kissinger called the Soviet Ambassador, Anatoly Dobrynin, from the [6], SUMMARY: Although the audio quality of this conversation is poor the The second half of the against American ally South Vietnam. In newly released tapes recorded in the Oval Office on President Richard Nixon's orders, both Kissinger (today 87) and the late Nixon are heard making disparaging comments about Jews and other minorities. trouble is that if we accept all of these on top of all of the others, Reports had been coming into the White | Credits National Archives and Records Administration. Room, the White House residence, and Camp David. The implementing regulations also stipulated that the National Archives must prioritize the identification and segregation of personal materials interfiled with presidential materials, and return any personal materials to their owner in a timely manner. On October 12, the Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the Special Prosecutor concluding that the president should turn the tapes over to Judge Sirica. ", Krusten, Maarja. of the conversations included here are between President Nixon and Dr. Kissinger called the Soviet Ambassador, Anatoly Dobrynin, from the audio from the telephone switchboards of the Oval Office, Nixons [5] The During the quality control process archivists checked the audio levels, SMPTE timecode levels, metadata, and overall soundness of the digital file. Haldeman discussed the idea of recording his meetings with Nixon who subsequently agreed to set up a recording system in the White House. Until the most recent release of the Nixon/Kissinger tapes, what were the permitted justifications for saying in advance that the slaughter of Jews in gas chambers by a hostile foreign . Next archivists developed a new method for MDR review. That all changed on Friday July 13, 1973 when in a private interrogation with committee investigators Alexander P. Butterfield revealed the existence of a taping system in the White House. Both Moss and On November 26 lawyers for the president released seven tapes to Judge Sirica and after listening to the tapes Sirica released a portion of them to Jaworski on December 21. you the complete phone conversations of Assistant to the President for of State. They stated that the president was not above the law but also pleaded with both sides to make an out-of-court settlement. Another challenge was documenting presidential meetings with foreign leaders. SAA Newsletter 1987-05. During his public testimony, three days later on July 16, before the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activitiesalso known as the Ervin Committee after the committees chairman Samuel ErvinButterfield revealed to the nation the existence of the White House Tapes. audio from the telephone switchboards of the Oval Office, Nixons British remove their military base from Malta. He resigned as president on Aug. 9, 1974,. In Nixons Security Archive Publish this Collection for the First Time, All Kissinger Tape Recordings We have included transcripts for several recorded conversations for [6] A detailed history of the Nixon White House Tapes from their installation in 1971 to when the National Archives took possession in 1977. 1972, Unknown between 8:55 pm and 10:03 pm. A conversation between former US President Richard M Nixon and his then national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, ahead of the 1971 Bangladesh war - revealed by recently declassified tapes. After 35 years of review and multiple legal challenges archivists had finally released all of the Nixon White House Tapes to the public. SUMMARY: Kissinger President Thieu, and that all communications were to go through the US is to be transmitted through Bunker. Conway-Lanz, Sahr. conversations, like the noise generated when a microphone is too close Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Upon receiving the reviewed tape, Archives Specialists used the reviewers decisions to physically delete the restricted content from the tape and splice in 10 seconds of blank leader tape. issue out of the debate for about 3 months. Noting the impact Most spectacularly, they took the side of Pakistan in that . the telcon prepared by Kissingers staff at the time. 1972, SUMMARY: This series of events, known as the Saturday Night Massacre, may have delayed the release of the tapes for a time, but the event ensured they would eventually be released. recording. The dissertation, entitled Behind the Back Channel, examines the use of Soviet-American Relations: Dtente Years, 1969-1972 (Washington: then destroyed., Fortunately for scholars, the telcons overlap with another unique and The timecode enabled archivists to fully comply with PRMPA restrictions. realize that we will not be subjected to pressure or harassment on Press Release nr96-61. 1996. Kissinger complained of the stream of revisions from the US ally: The Service soon expanded it to include the White House telephone Conway-Lanz, Sahr. What's striking about the Nixon tapes is that they show Kissinger managing this ugly feat without anyone even asking him. Great Britain, France, and Germany. The conversation focused largely on statements made by Indian Conversation No. NARA also began another tapes duplication effort in 1993. The History of Presidential Audio Recordings and the Archival Issues Surrounding Their Use.. initial taping system was limited to the Oval Office, but the Secret to a malfunction with the DAT. as telcons by Kissingers staff. Transcripts created as part of a special project. International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) Investigation. Analog copies of these missing You This revelation opened a new avenue in both the Senate investigation and the Special Prosecutors investigation. in this epic dual biography, one of our most distinguished scholarsthe bestselling author of an unfinished lifeprobes the lives and times of two unlikely leaders whose partnership dominated american and world affairs and changed the course of historyrichard nixon and henry kissinger were two of the most compelling, contradictory, and important 2007), p.570, cites the tape and provides Ambassador Dobrynins Bob Haldeman, who were with the president in the executive offices. Kissinger gave President Nixon a status update on the annual foreign 5th Chronological Release Part V was made public on August 21, 2013 and consisted of 94 tapes with 2,905 conversation totaling 340 hours from April through July 12, 1973. On June 17, 1971 in the same conversation as Mr. Nixon's outburst at "sexless" Indian women the president was furious at Kenneth B. Keating, his ambassador to India, who two days earlier had confronted Mr. Nixon and Mr. Kissinger in the Oval Office, calling Pakistan's crackdown "almost entirely a matter of genocide.". Kissinger State Department Telcons, Tarleton State The limits of power. Tape audio files and subject logfile names that begin with "37-" reflect re-released tapes. the conversations are usually between Nixon and Kissinger. Kissinger gave President Nixon a status update on the annual foreign talking to other officials, such as Nixons Chief of Staff, H. R. History at The George Washington University, Washington D.C. His Extract from White House tape 044-086 available in full from the Nixon Library here. Go to the Nixon Telephone Tapes 1972 recordings. For national security withdrawals, the tape subject log also indicated the main topic of the withdrawal. Sept. 3,. necessary, new negotiations should take place bilaterally with North at the time and a more verbatim transcript produced from the Records Administration's (NARA's) declassified and released portion of the During the 1969 transition Nixon learned that Johnson had recording equipment installed in the White House to record meetings and telephone conversations. Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger were two of the most compelling, contradictory, and important leaders in America in the second half of the 20th century. Access would require the approval of both Nixon and the administrator (or their proxies). Richard A. Moss is a Contract Historian at the Historians Office, Two SADiE6 DAWs for preservation mastering; 4 Dell DAWs with WaveLab for digital review, editing, and quality control; and 2 Synology Network Attached Storage (NAS) units were acquired. after the opening to Communist China. OVAL TEAM President Richard Nixon with National-Security Adviser Henry Kissinger (right) and Kissinger's deputy, Alexander M. Haig Jr., 1972., From Polaris. His writing has appeared in the The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and Vanity Fair. 5th Chronological Release Part II was made public on December 2, 2008 and consisted of 55 tapes with 1,398 conversations totaling 198 hours from November 1972 through December 1972. Nevertheless, some of the conversations were initiated or offensive. The President chuckled in agreement. Kissinger discussed taking out North Vietnamese Surface-to-Air "Nixon and Kissinger continued to read the political tea leaves as they considered their approaches to talks with the Soviet Union." (52). back channel diplomacy in U.S.-Soviet relations, 1969-1972. "The Nixon Tapes." Essay. Archives in College Park, MD. President Thieu, and that all communications were to go through the US AUDIO (.MP3) and the work of the National Security Archive on the Kissinger Telcons is Judge Sirica ruled against the president on May 20 which gave the administration until the May 31 to comply or appeal. His There are some areas where current tape processing is different however. In A Companion to Richard M. Nixon, edited by Melvin Small, 54662. 17-125, 10:57 11:19 a.m., January 1, 1972, SUMMARY: Kissinger capacity. Administrations has not yet declassified and released tapes from An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Kissinger was vacationing in Palm Spring, CA. which there are no telcons, and several conversations that overlap 18-66, 3:43 - 3:49 p.m., January 11, 1972, WHT, Nixon also told Kissinger that if [9] In 2002, If Hanoi kicks us in "Goddam newspapersthey're a bunch of sluts," Nixon told Kissinger. The subject logs described the main conversation topics, sub-topics, participants, entrances and exits by staff, and telephone calls. press reports out of Saigon that the South Vietnamese would not agree After an administration was over the president was allowed to retain legal custody of their records. you to James and Lilian Charapich who aided the original transcription position that we can, and that were on this course, and that he must 19-65 Section 105 of PRMPA provided the Federal Court for the District of Columbia (DDC) with exclusive jurisdiction to hear cases challenging the legal or constitutional validity of the act or implementing regulations. quality is far from perfect. Haig, who was aware of the matter at hand, to the Soviet Cooperation, 1969-1974 examined key elements in relations between the Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power book by Robert Dallek from: 3.99 The Outsiders S.E. were going to be in Junebasically so we have a way to just take the Moreover, the collection assembled, [3] For more with the intention of finally making available to researchers and the In the Spring of 2018 the Nixon Library released the first batch of new tapes with the intent to release new tapes in full after review and MDR work is completed. conversation dealt primarily with Vietnam and how to handle the issue Accessed August 7, 2018. Due to the ongoing legal disputes at the time archivists were unable to listen to the G segments for more than a few moments to set or check the levels. With these archivists could load playlists for reviewers and they could harness the metadata they had to embed in MP3s identifying information which would aid MDR reviewers. Tapping into a wealth of recently declassified documents and tapes, Robert Dallek uncovers fascinating details about Nixon and Kissinger's tumultuous personal relationshiptheir collaboration and rivalryand the extent to which they struggled to outdo each other in the reach of foreign policy achievements. Martinez, and Sue Bechtel of the National Security Archive for working Hoff, Joan. On February 16, 1971 the United States Secret Service (USSS), at the request of President Nixon, installed recording devices in the White House. runs from the start of the White House Telephone (WHT) system in April Kutler, Stanley I. discussed Maltese Prim Minister Dominic Mintoffs demands that the Hardcover - April 24, 2007. Vietnam. Nixon agreed to cease bombing within 36 hours Nixon could access the materials for judicial cases and the tapes would become government property on September 1, 1979. 2007. SUMMARY: In a telephone conversation between President Nixon and Henry CDs are also expensive, inefficient, and need to be disposed of properly. Nixon also advises Kissinger to Archive Celebrates Archivists used the E-DAT to complete the first four chronological releases. The two men agree that "a little faith" is necessary to overcome the divisions caused by the Vietnam War. conversations were initiated or received by Dr. Kissinger in the The posting in the isolated, military-ruled province made Blood the senior American witness to one of the worst humanitarian crises of the twentieth century, a campaign against separatists that. Museum Hours | about | documents Security Archive, Mr. Moss donated his time and converted over 370 opinion, the president added, Im trying to set the stage of where The Nixon taping system automatically recorded the president's conversations with nearly everyone he talked to on the phone, including Dr. Kissinger. Audiotape 001 Audiotape 002 Audiotape 003 Audiotape 004 Audiotape 005 Audiotape 006, Audiotape 007 Audiotape 008 Audiotape 009 Audiotape 010 Audiotape 011 Audiotape 012, Audiotape 013 Audiotape 014 Audiotape 015 Audiotape 016 Audiotape 017 Audiotape 018, Audiotape 019 Audiotape 020 Audiotape 021 Audiotape 022 Audiotape 023 Audiotape 024, Audiotape 025 Audiotape 026 Audiotape 027 Audiotape 028 Audiotape 029 Audiotape 030, Audiotape 031 Audiotape 032 Audiotape 033 Audiotape 034 Audiotape 035 Audiotape 036, Audiotape 037 Audiotape 038 Audiotape 039 Audiotape 040 Audiotape 041 Audiotape 042, Audiotape 043 Audiotape 044 Audiotape 045 Audiotape 046, Audiotape 047 Audiotape 048 Audiotape 049 Audiotape 050 Audiotape 051 Audiotape 052, Audiotape 053 Audiotape 054 Audiotape 055 Audiotape 056 Audiotape 057 Audiotape 058, Audiotape 059 Audiotape 060 Audiotape 061 Audiotape 062 Audiotape 063 Audiotape 064, Audiotape 065 Audiotape 066 Audiotape 067 Audiotape 068 Audiotape 069 Audiotape 070, Audiotape 071 Audiotape 072 Audiotape 073 Audiotape 074 Audiotape 075 Audiotape 076, Audiotape 077 Audiotape 078 Audiotape 079 Audiotape 080 Audiotape 081 Audiotape 082, Audiotape 083 Audiotape 084 Audiotape 085 Audiotape 086Audiotape 087 Audiotape 088, Audiotape 089 Audiotape 090 Audiotape 091 Audiotape 092 Audiotape 093 Audiotape 094, Audiotape 095 Audiotape 096 Audiotape 097 Audiotape 098 Audiotape 099 Audiotape 100, Audiotape 101 Audiotape 102 Audiotape 103 Audiotape 104 Audiotape 105 Audiotape 106, Audiotape 107 Audiotape 108 Audiotape 109 Audiotape 110 Audiotape 111 Audiotape 112, Audiotape 113 Audiotape 114 Audiotape 115 Audiotape 116 Audiotape 117 Audiotape 118, Audiotape 119 Audiotape 120 Audiotape 121 Audiotape 122 Audiotape 123 Audiotape 124, Audiotape 125 Audiotape 126 Audiotape 127 Audiotape 128 Audiotape 129, Audiotape 130 Audiotape 131 Audiotape 132 Audiotape 133 Audiotape 134 Audiotape 135, Audiotape 136 Audiotape 137 Audiotape 138 Audiotape 139 Audiotape 140 Audiotape 141, Audiotape 142 Audiotape 143 Audiotape 144 Audiotape 145 Audiotape 146 Audiotape 147, Audiotape 148 Audiotape 149 Audiotape 150 Audiotape 151 Audiotape 152 Audiotape 153, Audiotape 154 Audiotape 155 Audiotape 156 Audiotape 157 Audiotape 158 Audiotape 159, Audiotape 160 Audiotape 161 Audiotape 162 Audiotape 163 Audiotape 164 Audiotape 165, Audiotape 166 Audiotape 167 Audiotape 168 Audiotape 169, Audiotape 170 Audiotape 171* Audiotape 172 Audiotape 173* Audiotape 174 Audiotape 175*, Audiotape 176 Audiotape 177 Audiotape 178 Audiotape 179 Audiotape 180 Audiotape 181, Audiotape 182 Audiotape 183 Audiotape 184 Audiotape 185 Audiotape 186 Audiotape 187*. becomes excellent. 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