There currently exist more than 450,000 mi of 100-kV or higher transmission lines and many more thousands of miles of lower-voltage lines. With diminished transmission and generation capacity and with dramatic increases in interregional bulk power transfers and the diversity of transactions, the electric power grid is being used in ways for which it was not originally designed. if (type === 'event') { Case 3: The smart grid with the adopted LPC can be seen as an active smart grid system; the active smart grid is reconstituted in order to minimize distribution losses in real time. } Orders ship within ONE business day and regular shipping is always FREE. __gaTracker.loaded = true; While some of the operations on the system are automatic, human operators in system control centers ultimately make the decisions and take the actions that control the operations of the system. Smart grid technology can be viewed as a merging of power systems, information technology, telecommunications, switchgear, and local power generation, along with other fields that were once electrical technologies of separated industries. __gtagDataLayer.apply(null, arguments); Home About Us Contact While smart power systems may increase upfront cost slightly, they provide tremendous value in active supervision of power failures, smart battery charging to extend life, and power condition monitoring and reporting. Participants will examine the practical aspects of the technologies, design and implementation, smart grid applications and sensing; demand side management, smart grid economics, microgrids and distributed energy resources, and fault location and service restoration (FLSIR). ]; window[disableStrs[index]] = true; Smart Grids can be achieved by implementing efficient transmission & distribution systems, system operations, consumer integration and renewable integration. The potential ramifications of network failures have never been greater, as the transportation, telecommunications, oil and gas, banking and finance, and other infrastructures depend on the continental power grid to energize and control their operations. The environmental benefits that smart grid technology can deliver are collectively demanded by most of Earths inhabitants at this time, and the decrease in dependence on fossil fuels and other nonrenewable power sources is also sought through this new technology. /* */ Just as you protect your computer from malware and viruses, we highly recommend taking the same measures to protect your security system from a dire fate. Investment in a smart grid would nearly pay for itself by reducing stupendous outage costs, a savings of US$49 billion per year, and improving energy efficiency, a savings of US$20.4 billion per year. One possible means of increasing the physical security of power lines is to bury them. It may be necessary to use surge protection devices, either integral to the equipment, or externally connected to limit transient voltages from Overvoltage Category III and IV to Overvoltage Category II. A complex set of interconnected webs (source: EPRI, 2002present). To cause physical damage equivalent to that from a small to moderate-size tornado would be extremely difficult, even for a large, well-organized group of terrorists. 'eventCategory': 'event_category', As a core module of the online security analysis system, power system state estimation is a major part of a modern energy management system. window.ExactMetricsDualTracker = { That is, rather than develop a single standard for, say, a new electrical service equipment with intelligence, for a smart meter, it would make sense to continue to use the base product safety standard for meters, but plug-in the additional telecommunications and information technology safety modules. B. Metallo, Smart Grid. function __gtagDataLayer() { Still, Mr. Edison would be just as astonished as Mr. Graham Bell with the present power grid technology as it is today. IEC 60950-1, Edition 2.0, 2005-12, Information Technology Equipment Safety- Part 1: General Requirements, International Electrotechnical Commission. document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace( 'no-js', 'js' );
return null; } Local power generation systems, such as photovoltaic systems, generators, fuel-cell systems, and the like, for which the smart grid will permit the sale of power back to the utility, involve the following safety concerns: The frequency of the locally-generated power has to be synchronized with that of the main grid. In the aftermath of the tragic events of 11 September 2001 and recent natural disasters and major power outages, there have been increased national and international concerns expressed about the security, resilience, and robustness of critical infrastructures in response to an evolving spectrum of threats. __gtagTrackerOptout(); This information allows consumers to be charged variable rates for energy, based upon supply and demand. height: 1em !important; 'value': arguments[5] ? Standby power system codes and standards references. } These include the Complex Interactive Networks/Systems Initiative (CIN/SI), a joint program sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD); EPRIs Enterprise Information Security (EIS) program; EPRIs post9/11 Infrastructure Security Initiative (ISI); and various North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) initiatives, such as its information sharing and analysis centers (ISACs), public key infrastructure (PKI), and spare equipment database. display: inline !important; Fast switchover. The usage of SPFC is required at each level of distribution, transmission and generation systems in a clustered form. Become a member today and get the IEEE Magazine delivered to you as well as access to the online version. History of Evolution var pes_sso_base_url = "https:\/\/\/ieeevendorsso\/"; } Communications J. Clemente, The security vulnerabilities of smart grid, J. if (len === 0) { . } In addition to the physical threats to such centers and the communication links that flow in and out of them, one must be concerned about two other factors: the reliability of the operators within the centers and the possibility that insecure code has been added to a program in a center computer. })(); The smart grid unlocks greener models. This article is a survey of smart grid literature till 2011 on the enabling technologies for the smart grid. Within a substation control network, it is common to find commercial telephone lines as well as wireless, microwave, optical fiber, and Internet connections. S. M. Amin, Balancing market priorities with security issues: Interconnected system operations and control under the restructured electricity enterprise, IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. Sign in to download full-size image Figure Energy storage systems are utilized for managing the peak power demand of the consumer load prole by discharging power during peak hours. Conversely, an unintentional island can be created when a segment of the utility grid containing only customer-owned generation and load is isolated from the utility control. However, if islanding prevention fails, energized lines within the island present a shock hazard to unsuspecting utility line workers who think the lines are dead.[6]. Residual C urrent E lectrical F ire M onitoring D etector. The end vision of the smart grid consists of a highly developed electrical platform that engages consumers, enhances efficiency, ensures reliability, and enables integration of renewable energy and electric transportation. }; Facilities that rely on access control, CCTV surveillance, and other security systems often overlook a piece of their system that can shut down the entire system if it isnt properly maintained: battery backup. The key challenge is to enable secure and very high-confidence sensing, communications, and control of a heterogeneous, widely dispersed, yet globally interconnected system. The total cost of a stronger transmission system would be about US$82 billion over the next decade. An audit of 30 utility companies that received the alert showed that only seven were in full compliance, although all of the audited companies had taken some precautions. This is the reality that needs to be addressed. Currently, there are very few automatic railway crossing systems available . The Smart Power Flow Control (SPFC) strategy driven with ICT using PMUs signals can be a new generation control strategies. Three of the dissimulation techniques described are: Likewise, three of the simulation techniques described are: Deception will need to play a key role in smart grid defense mechanisms. While smart power systems may increase upfront cost slightly, they provide tremendous value in active supervision of power failures, smart battery charging to extend life, and power condition monitoring and reporting. There is reasonable concern that national and international energy and information infrastructures have reached a level of complexity and interconnection that makes them particularly vulnerable to cascading outages, whether initiated by material failure, natural calamities, intentional attack, or human error. Since it is imperative that the industry maintain 100% uptime, both the physical security of the AMI system hardware and multiple standard IT security features like encryption and authentication must be provided for. window[disableStrs[index]] = true; The mission of the IEEE Power & Energy Society is to be the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and the preferred professional development source for its members. P. McDaniel and S. McLaughlin, Security and privacy challenges in the smart grid, IEEE Security Privacy, vol. Those attackers are normally driven by intellectual challenge and curiosity. var p = Tracker.prototype; } The machine will turn on. All of these infrastructures are complex networksgeographically dispersed, nonlinear, and interacting both among themselves and with their human owners, operators, and users (see Figure 1). hitObject = arguments[1]; The threats posed by insiders are real, as is the risk of a Trojan horse embedded in the software of one of more of the control centers. covers a wide range of topics from fundamentals, and modelling and simulation aspects of traditional and smart power systems to grid integration of renewables; Micro Grids; challenges in planning and operation of a smart power system; risks, security, and stability in smart operation of a power system; and applied research in energy storage. Bangladesh's railway system mostly uses typical manual railway crossing techniques or boom gates through its 2955.53 km rail route all over the country. Electric power utilities also typically own and operate at least certain portions of their own telecommunications systems, which often consist of a backbone of fiber optic or microwave links connecting major substations with spurs to smaller sites. } var arg, hit = {}; Analogously, customized and cost-effective advancements are both possible and essential to enable smarter and more secure electric power infrastructures. border: none !important; Multiple layers of safety features are incorporated into the design of the radioisotope power systems (or RPS) used by NASA. Computing layers that must be considered include: The security features to be employed at each layer include examination, detection, prevention, and encryption. /* ]]> */ All rights reserved. Electric terrorism: grid component targets, 19942004 (source: Journal of Energy Security). Moreover, cyber, communication, and control layers add new benefits only if they are designed correctly and securely. Design Features. 5, pp. The Handbook of Research on Smart Power System Operation and Control is a collection of innovative researc Because society depends greatly on electric energy, power system control and protection focuses on ensuring a secure . 3038, Jul./Aug. Indeed, they have provided much of the high standard of living that the more developed countries enjoy. In addition to the above, further research and development needs include the following areas: Cyberconnectivity has increased the complexity of the control systems and facilities it is intended to safely and reliably control. Since 1989, Mr. Gies has worked at AT&T-Bell Laboratories/Lucent Technologies/Alcatel-Lucent as a product safety engineer, responsible for obtaining product safety certifications for his companys telephone and information processing equipment from domestic and international product safety organizations. Agilent Technologies Offers Application Note on LTE-Advanced Manufacturing Test, FCC Begins Rulemaking for Drones Spectrum Allocation, FCC Proposes Updated Data Breach Reporting Requirements, FCC Cites Another Retailer for Marketing Unauthorized RF Devices, Troubleshooting EMI Issues Caused by Structural Resonances, Energy Release Quantification for LiIon Battery Failures, SCIF and Radio Frequency Secured Facility Design, Part 2, Using Multiport Connectors in High-Frequency Military and Avionics Systems, Performing Proximity Magnetic Fields Immunity Testing, High Voltage ESD Protection for Automotive Ethernet Applications, Tailoring Safety Into AudioFrequency Power-Line Susceptibility Testing, Health Monitoring and Prediction of Cells in a BatteryModule or Pack UnderOperating Condition, Getting the Best EMC from Shielded Cables Up to 2.8 GHz, Part 2, ISO Publishes ISO/IEC 24759:2017: Test Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, Chinas Latest Regulation on 2.4 GHz and 5GHzEquipment, The 6G Future: How 6G Will Transform Our Lives, Fundamentals of Electrostatic Discharge - Part One: An Introduction to ESD, NASA Space Shuttles Return to Flight: The Untold Electromagnetic Backstory, Continuing Your Professional Education in 2022, A Recipe for Success: How to Grow from EMC Novice to EMC Expert, Ohms Law Also Applies to ESDInduced Heat Pulses, RF Tech Tip: BNC Versus Threaded Connectors, FCC Adjusts Civil Monetary Penalties to Reflect Inflation, CPSC Publishes Safety Standard for Magnets, U.S. DoE to Provide Nearly $3 Billion for EV Battery Development, Manufacturing, Polymer Film Can Limit Electromagnetic Interference, Using Nanomaterials to Create a Passive Dual-Mode Heating and Cooling Device, Scientists Develop Highly Efficient Supercapacitor That Could Rival Batteries. A 2008 survey by the Computer Security Institute and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation of data compiled from 522 computer security practitioners and senior executives of U.S. corporations, government agencies, financial and medical institutions, and universities reported that within a 12-month period, 59% of the respondents experienced an attack from a virus, 29% reported unauthorized use of computer services, and 44% reported insider abuse. try { Their latest technology also allows for remote maintenance of the system, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming on-site servicing. G. N. Ericsson, Information security for electric power utilities (EPUs)-CIGRE developments on frameworks, risk assessment, and technology, IEEE Trans. The meter safety standard and switchgear standards may assume that these components are installed in Overvoltage Category IV or III environments, but the information technology equipment standard expect equipment to be installed nominally in Overvoltage Category II environments. Credit:3.00 unit(s)Related Certificate Programs:Power Systems Engineering. return new Tracker(); Electrical Engineering questions and answers Investigate the safe operation of a smart power system Question: Investigate the safe operation of a smart power system This question hasn't been solved yet Ask an expert Investigate the safe operation of a smart power system Expert Answer Previous question Next question COMPANY About Chegg return null; var exactmetrics_frontend = {"js_events_tracking":"true","download_extensions":"zip,mp3,mpeg,pdf,docx,pptx,xlsx,rar","inbound_paths":"[{\"path\":\"\\\/go\\\/\",\"label\":\"affiliate\"},{\"path\":\"\\\/recommend\\\/\",\"label\":\"affiliate\"}]","home_url":"https:\/\/","hash_tracking":"false","ua":"UA-3983727-10","v4_id":""};/* ]]> */ Smart Touch sealed touch pads provide operator interactive capabilities; manual override/control [5], SAFETY OF UTILITY-OWNED SMART-GRID EQUIPMENT, As is the case today, we would expect safety of utility-owned smart-grid equipment located within the power generation or transmission circuits, up to and including the service conductors to the customers buildings to continue to be evaluated for safety in accordance with basic utility-safety standards or Codes. Additional security needs include rapid containment, restoration, and recovery strategies for times when systems are inevitably compromised. Figure 2 shows the percentage of terrorist attacks aimed at each of the major grid components. Power Systems Dr. Hamed Mohsenian-Rad Communications and Control in Smart Grid Texas Tech University 2 The Four Main Elements in Power Systems: Power Production / Generation Power Transmission Power Distribution Power Consumption / Load Of course, we also need monitoring and control systems. Mr. Gies has become a leading subject matter expert for his company in the field of global product safety compliance, working primarily with Alcatel-Lucents wireless base station equipment. Increasing the physical Security of power lines is to bury them of terrorist attacks aimed at each of system. Allows for remote maintenance of the major grid components based upon supply and demand / All rights reserved, 2.0... 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