Alexander Bell Health 110 Stamina 141 Key Traits- HL Doctor - NPC Xander Community - NPC Xander Experience. If you try to jump onto this as you did with the previous cheap spot, it won't work - instead, hit the jump button by itself, then at the height of the jump, press forward on the left stick. Fortified Camp in the centre of the crop fields, away from any road. He also reappears in State of Decay 2: Homecoming, where it is confirmed that he is still alive and working with Isabella Reyes and a doctor. Explore Trumbull Valley, the site of the original State of Decay game. The note contains coordinates, which are added to your map as a quest marker. Head over to his farmhouse and talk to him, agree to help, and he'll ask you to head over to an abandoned military outpost in Marshall. BONUS ACHIEVEMENT: not a Heartland achievement per se, but if you have yet to play Lethal Mode in the original State of Decay 2 campaign mode, your first blood plague bloater encounter may be here in Heartland, in which case you have already unlocks: Hopefully you've been doing some CLEO Relay calls during the main Heartland campaign and during your juggernaut hunts. Keep them safe in base to prevent disaster from happening. Fortified Fire Station south of the main road. If you have trouble doing the above method, try using firecrackers or boomboxes to attract hordes without putting yourself in harms way. Note: you'll need the six unique weapons, not just six of any type of Echo Lab gun. Army Roadblock, Blaine's Fortified Grocery, Ordnance Supply Tent, and Army Refugee Camp in the southeast corner of town (The Ordnance Supply tent always has one container I'm unable to find or search). A quick note of plague busters: plague busters have a second function - they will automatically kill any zombie that gets in their detonation field (minus juggernauts, who will take about half damage). You'll find the fort has been automatically populated with an infestation when you weren't looking, so you'll have to clear it out (should be no trouble at this point in the game). He'll want you to escort him over to the crashed plane. Back to radio missions, and our quest to recruit Keesha. This is the main way to recruit more survivors in State of Decay 2. mattskx 2.4K views 2 years ago. Then, in the newly upgraded repair depot, craft each of the three vehicle kits. Talk to Captain Logan one last time to finish the quest. by | 30, Oct,2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | 30, Oct,2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments Walk up to the plague wall (not too close) and turn right, walking down the sidewalk with the building on your left and a barbed wire concrete barrier on your right. Once you drop this off, Izzbee will ask to join your group. Mickey Wilkerson - 25% Off! Get ready for even more screamers, bloaters and juggernauts as you take this plague wall down. After some exposition, she'll gift you a blueprint that allows you to upgrade your medical facilities when the blueprint is added to your base inventory. Too bad, you need to start all over on a fresh run. Head back to Isaac and let him know what happened, and Isaac will ask you to join your enclave. This walkthrough is the property of Hopefully, about this time you'll also have the Captain Logan mission up and ready (see the info box below for more details). At the end of the road, you'll see a barn - hopefully, Diana will spawn here, being attacked by zombies. It's also around this time that Diana will show up at our home base. - Keesha Recruited. Captain Logan will call and will want to meet you at Dr. Hoffman's lab. He apologized though, and told me he thought I was a badass for standing up to him. Head to it, and you'll find a small campground amongst some rocks with one Red Talon soldier manning it, Chavez. If not completed yet, continue calling CLEO drops (you can do this as long as Izzbee is alive). Inside the building, you'll encounter the previously mentioned plague heart. The new expansion brings players back to Trumbull Valley, the setting of the first game, and lets them choose between two different. With co-op multiplayer support, you can visit your friends' communities and help them through a tough spot, bringing back rewards for your own communities later. One final thing before you restart - see the Shots in the Dark section below about collecting Echo Lab guns. This is Izzbee, our last survivor who is recruitable that we will meet in-game. If you do, you'll unlock: Undeadly EfficiencyYou killed 10 or more enemies with a single plague buster.4 guides. But first, how do you take the plague wall down? Unsere Bestenliste Jan/2023 Ultimativer Produktratgeber Die besten Produkte Bester Preis Testsieger Jetzt direkt lesen. Just like in Playthrough One, it's time to take out our first plague heart! Drive the new recruit back to your base to finish the mission, but before you do that, read the info box below: Given the above, you'll probably be starting or have started the next Captain Logan mission, so let's walk through that. Back to missions, and another easy Reba mission should be waiting for you. As part of the main quest, you will be "forced" to occupy this base as your new home, and you will stay here for the entirety of Heartland. Next though, instead of being prompted to head to the local bar to find Brock, you'll be prompted by Malik to talk to him about finding Ray Santos. Once the iconic site of the original State of Decay game, the towns of Spencer's Mill and Marshall are now overrun with an advanced form of blood plague: a more aggressive and far deadlier version than exists anywhere else. Army Medical Tent off the main road that makes up the northern boundary of the map, a little way west of the small winding road. (I don't recommend using CLEO Relay calls for these as your armed base guards may take them out before you do, so you won't get credit for this achievement. As you approach the supply drop, a Blood Juggernaut will spawn and immediately attack. Accept, to unlock: The Grumpy HunterYou recruited Reba into your Heartland community.2 guides. Listen to Captain Logan's exposition for a bit, then talk to him to "move on" and get a new quest location. And that's it for playthrough two! Xander - $10 $15. When you feel well armed and armored, head on over to south Marshall by the firehouse on whose roof you met Dr. Hoffman previously, and off a bit to the northeast is the first plague wall of the "Gauntlet". Up next is an easy one - on your way to the previous Wilkerson Homestead mission (or returning from it), you'll get a call from Reba asking for your assistance. Once the iconic site of the original State of Decay game, the towns of Spencers Mill and Marshall are now overrun with an advanced form of blood plague: a more aggressive and far deadlier version than exists anywhere else. State of Decay 2 - Killing all Plague Hearts EASY with the Car Trick mattskx 7.8K views 3 years ago State of Decay 2 (NIGHTMARE) - Massive CLEO Siege! From here, you can directly target the final plague wall. Army Outpost on the west edge of the map, between the Bombed-Out Bridge and the Industrial Steel Supply Company. Talk to her, and she'll ask you to travel to certain points on the map and read a string of characters over the radio. Head back to Vic and the warehouse and now you'll have a decision to make: If you tell Vic that Isaac is dead, Vic will leave the map once you leave the warehouse. It's around this time that Reba showed up at my base, wanting to talk to me. Finally, on to the last wall of the game! The good news is that you can feel free to take down a health bar, retreat back to a base or outpost to heal and rearm and return to the wall, where the health bar will still be one section lower. Scavenge up 25 parts (the quest will show you a local building with the parts in it, so this should be fairly easy), and return them to Ray. Depending on your choice above, you will unlock one of two achievement: You recruited Isaac into your Heartland community. Check all 18 spots, and if you don't get all six gun types, restart your game. Almost all survivors you encounter are randomly generated. Consume the Zedeye until you push your infection meter past maximum (it should take between three and four), thereby infecting yourself with blood plague, unlocking: You contracted blood plague from a plague consumable. Hey look, it's Xander from our first run! Talk to Vic, who will ask you to find his husband. Narrative-driven single-player adventure with branching storylines. Part Three kicks off with Dr. Hoffman wanting to meet up with you in Marshall, so head on down when you're ready. As you play through the story, you'll meet intriguing, unique characters, face new and terrifying threats, and learn more about the mystery of the blood plague. This time around, you won't have Captain Logan to help (unless you bring him as a follower of course), so be a bit more conservative during this fight. And with that, we can begin our Heartland walkthrough! June 9th, 2019 Grab the CLEO Intuition Processor and any other loot you want, then drive the processor back to Izzbee. Select Page. This is because you need to cure the blood plague with the blood plague cure 100 times on yourself, and 100 times on another survivor. Fortunately, knowing what I know now, there is an easy and safe way to handle this: read on to see. Personally, it took me six attempts to get this to unlock, and I've heard of people taking a dozen tries, so don't get frustrated if it fails to unlock on your first few attempts. Everything has blood plague. The sequel expanded upon the original with more in-depth mechanics and a wider array of options at the player's. USE THE BACKING UP CAR METHOD TO TAKE THE BLOOD JUGGERNAUT OUT (see the Miscellaneous Tips page if you don't know what this is) -- about 10-12 hits to the Juggernaut should kill him. This does not work for partial health bar depletion - if the shell goes back up before it's completely depleted and you leave to rearm/heal, the bar will be back to full by the time you return. community members have thanked the author. Select the Pathology Annex. Release Date Finally, without the extra distraction of Captain Logan around this time, bringing firecrackers may be a huge help here to distract the zombies while you attack the wall. Publisher If you can, climb up to a higher spot and count the number of zombies - to be safe, you'll probably want eleven or twelve. Publisher Like its predecessor, players are required to build a community, manage resources and survive against the horde of zombies. When approaching Marshall along the south road, turn into the first access road and cross the bridge. State of Decay 2 is a game where your choices can have subtle cascading effects on your gameplay, particularly if you're not paying attention. As per usual, accept, unlocking: The Last SoldierYou recruited Captain Logan into your Heartland community.2 guides. Having recruited Vic and/or Isaac, Reba should be contacting you again about another favour. You can take out two of the three meters using busters, incendiary devices, and explosives (and bullets if the explosives didn't damage the wall enough) before having to stop and assist on the fight with the zombies. Let her runoff, as you'll see her again shortly. Assuming you've done this, head over to the Deep Green Farmhouse (again, feel free to drive through farmland as a shortcut) and talk to Captain Logan. State of Decay 2 (Video Game 2018) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb Edit State of Decay 2 (2018 Video Game) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Writing Credits (in alphabetical order) Cast (in credits order) Produced by Julia Bianco . Heartland Walkthough, Playthrough One During this playthrough, we are going to attempt to get two difficult achievements: Full House, for recruiting 8 survivors during one Heartland run, and. Narrative-driven single-player adventure with branching storylines. Talk to Captain Logan, and accept his request. Loot the heart and the buildings (dropping of excess items at your outpost), grab the detonators, and drive on back to the Wilkerson Farm. Helena will join you before leaving, and it's off to the church! More free time, so head out with Malik and scavenge the local areas (you'll probably want your car now as lootable buildings are getting further out of your home base radius). The Shots in the Dark achievement is the worst achievement in Heartland to obtain by far, because it's completely random if you can complete it on an instance of Heartland. Now you'll be directed to loot the CLEO drop that just came down. Next, drive over to the water tower indicated by the quest marker and repeat this exercise (climb both ladders here to get to the round part at the top). Wrong! If you have trouble with the ferals, try activating Sniper Support, which should help with automatically taking the ferals out. So, craft as many plague cures as you can (make sure it's the basic version - first, they're the cheapest to make, second, they don't grant immunity over time to the plague, which is what we definitely don't want while working on this achievement). And unlike the main campaign where I can only give you detailed tips and general advice on how to advance, the preset missions allow me to walk you through Heartland step-by-step! Our final recruitment mission will now crop up! Two down, two to go, and you'll be tasked with taking out the third plague wall by Dr. Hoffman immediately upon defeating the second. (I'm including this one because of its name, but I've never found an Echo weapon here). fuel resources a day, so gasoline won't be much of an issue like it can be in the campaign. Heartland features two starting pairs of survivors: Quincy, an ex-con and member of the Network, and his partner Helena, Larisse, the long-lost daughter of Mickey Wilkerson, and her aunt Fiona, Custom characters including recruitable survivors, Claim your base at Jurassic Junction, the largest homesite in the franchise, All blood plague freaks! Cela arrivera sans mme chercher le succs. He got pretty fucked up when I sided with Xander over the rent thing. 1.) Tressie Huerta; Alexis Carter; Ray Santos; Nat Wilkerson; Daybreak Technician; Aunt Fi; Custom Heroes; Police Officer Spartan . He'll talk about the newest threat you'll face, the Plague Wall (imagine seven plague hearts smashed together) Once he's done, hop into your car again and travel to the house right next to the crash site. You'll be prompted to install the Distiller into any of your facilities, so do so (I parked it in the CLEO Relay facility), which will end the mission. Head there, and inside the farmhouse at the quest marker, head in and talk to Ray. Essentially, you have to collect all six Echo Lab guns in one run of Heartland, and they, unfortunately, spawn randomly. It's at this point you can attack the wall, but only at the vulnerable spot. You used plague cure on your own survivor 100 times in Heartland. If done correctly in the correct spot, you can pull yourself up onto the brown box. Once the iconic site of the original State of Decay game, the towns of Spencers Mill and Marshall are now overrun with an advanced form of blood plague: a more aggressive and far deadlier version than exists anywhere else. Clear out any zombies in the immediate area, then talk to Captain Logan again. Stock up on explosives and health and stamina consumables and drive on over to the new Wilkerson home. Each drop will cost you 256 influence, but considering everything you kill during the zombie invasion, you'll probably earn a big chunk of this influence back during the fight. There is a cooldown time between CLEO Relay activations so while this timer prevents you from speeding through this achievement, with only ten drops needed, you shouldn't have much problem getting this done in a timely manner. As well, its worth activating the CLEO relay from time to time to call in CLEO drops (though this calls in a zombie invasion of your base, so be ready for that). Once it's dead, continue down the road to encounter Malik. It might include incorrect or outdated information, or just needs a facelift. You'll probably have a few minutes of downtime after part one ends, so you'll want to use this time to trigger the Diana series of quests (they're the ONLY quests that don't trigger through your radio, so they're easy to miss). Search the barn, collect the filler machine, then return it to Reba back at her house (select one of the top two dialog options to give the machine back to her). The questline including Mickey starts when you drive through the tunnel on the way to the Ranger Station. With the distiller installed, we can now start crafting some plague busters to help us with taking down all the end game plague walls (the game will prompt us to do this as the optional quest for the next mission). Talking to Brock, you'll trigger a zombie attack on the bar. Making this fight a bit more complicated as well is that the barriers will prevent you from having your car around for some easy "car-fu", and this time around you'll get bloaters and juggernauts on each wave of the wall (guaranteed one juggernaut per plague buster shell break). Head back home and drop off all your supplies and loot, as you probably found a lot during this outing. Round about now you're probably traversing the west side of the map, which will trigger the Chavez quest. achievement. Fortunately, if we use a plague cure on another survivor it also counts for the solo achievement, so we only have to cure the plague 100 times (or less, if you've used cures during the main campaign). Mickey Wilkerson is a non-player character in State of Decay, part of the Wilkersons enclave who reside in the Wilkerson Farm. State of Decay Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Good news - from here on out, no more having to find events or waiting for triggers, as all events will come in over the radio from now on. Given that, if you're fast enough, you should have enough time to take out all three health bars from the plague wall before any of these things hit you. Head on over, and on the way, listen to Dr. Hoffman's exposition. Heartland features a return to Trumbull Valley (Map) in a new story-based adventure. Accept, unlocking: You recruited Keesha into your Heartland community. Captain Logan; Dr. Hoffmann; Chavez - 25% Off! Both pairs of survivors are on a mission to find people important to them: characters who appeared in the original State of Decay. He'll indicate is radio is broken and he'll need parts to fix it. One final thing you can do is check the Shots in the Dark location (listed in the appropriate section) for the Echo Lab guns, and hope you luck out. He left, but I heard a scuffle outside and it appeared he had been jumped by a bunch of Plague Z's. Scout the first plague wall, then after she comments on it, scout the second plague wall. You have a bit of time to yourself at the moment, so grab your car and start looting the houses/bathrooms in the immediate area around your new base. This off, Izzbee will ask you to find people important to:! Or boomboxes to attract hordes without putting yourself in harms way the note contains coordinates, which should help automatically! 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